Friday, July 21, 2006

What a week...
T.G.I.F. Between trying to make sure we were getting our students set with their financial aid before the fall bills run tomorrow, and finding a few "surprises" in the systems that we use every day, life sure has been interesting this week. Tonight at VBS, the staff could barely drag themselves up the stairs from the fellowship hall as we gathered in the sanctuary for the closing. Well not ALL of the staff were dragging - just us "mature" people. :) The closing went well - it was a great week and the kids were still ready for more as we closed with the Gospel Express theme song. It won't be something I can do again but I sure enjoyed it this year.
Next week is my last week of work before we visit Laurie, Stephen and Kasey for our vacation. So it will be another busy one getting packed and getting my desk cleared at work. Anyone have a match? :)
I just wanted to say thank you all for visiting so regularly. It's hard to believe that I've been posting over a week now. Blogging used to be a word that I never understood. It's all new to me - but I had some good teachers as to where to begin. Thanks Cathy and Erik and Emily. But I say thank you not just for your websites and the words you share, but your sacrifices too. Cathy - your Dan being deployed for a year while losing your other son at home...praise God Dan is safely home and to think you also know one of Laurie's best friends - how small this world can be sometimes. Erik for the sacrifices you and Missy and the kids made during the time you were deployed - and for always making me smile, and for teaching me that people really do care about what's on our mind - that they actually go to a website to read it. For your trust in a stranger by letting me be in contact with your precious family. And Emily...we have not known each other that long...but you are a blessing to me as well for your faith and to think you know one of MY dearest friends in all the world. What you and Dan are sacrificing even now as I type...never think that it is forgotten or unappreciated.
And then there are my Military Mom friends - this will be a separate post in itself. If you are reading this, remember that I love you but if you are Wendy or Barbara, I am praying for Jay and for Nathan. And for peace in your hearts. I truly understand.
Tomorrow is Saturday. We may or may not go on a date...will start to get things ready for our trip and maybe go out for a quick bite to eat. Lots to do. I need to figure out how to post real pictures. You'd think somebody my age would know how to do this stuff.
I learned a lot this week...about work (crunch time can be fun - I love a challenge); about serving God - VBS is still a wonderful place to be and that I am thankful that He led me to help this year; and most of all that I have friends to visit with each day - even if it's a cyber visit. I love your company.
Sleep well my friends - tomorrow is another day.

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