Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blue star service banners tell so much about a home and who lives there. A passerby needs only to see one to know that someone in uniform is loved by those who live there. 18 months ago, the 2 Star banner in our front window was replaced with 1 Star as our daughter Laurie completed 7 years of active Army service. We became a single soldier family as Laurie’s husband Stephen continued to serve. They had a baby boy and life seemed good. But life as a military mom is like being on a roller coaster. Your children go to the sand and you learn that prayer and trust are your two best friends. You see the happiness in your soldiers’ eyes as they are reunited after their deployment. And all the while, keeping in mind the children and grandchildren here at home. It’s not just about the soldiers, but about the soldier’s sibling - your son, and the things going on in his life. The world spins every day, your job needs your attention; you spread yourself thin sometimes, but love the fact that you are needed. You worry, you pray and finally you trust. And you are strong when you need to be. Your soldiers count on your faith and your prayers.
This – and so much more – is the life of a military mom.
A few weeks ago, Laurie called, and with voice quivering, she said, "Mom & Dad, I miss being a soldier." The dips and curves on the coaster grew sharper as she joined the Army Reserves.
Along life’s journey we are sometimes asked to take uncertain paths. We step out with trepidation and yet, God is there. These are not uncharted waters for me, but in this day and age a lifeboat is a blessing. The lifeboat isn’t seen except in the love and goodness of those who love you and those who pray for your family. But never forget they need you as well. He is present in all of these things as His gifts work through these earthly angels. With faith in God and trust in His will, and a lot of prayers, my journey begins.
Once again, I am a two star mom.


Fran said...
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Fran said...

Oh Sue this is so wonderful. I am so proud of you. You have a wonderful way with words. I will keep Laurie and Stephen in my prayers always. You will be a great blogger!!!!!!!!!!

Erik Holtan said...

Good to have you as more than just a commenter!
Have a great Weekend!