Monday, July 17, 2006

Hop on Board...
This week is Vacation Bible School at church...VBS. The past few years, our Pastor has decided to have it in the evening to encourage participation since so many people work during the day. Although I haven't participated in VBS for a long time, this year I was led to sign up to help. There's something about a group of kids singing songs and playing volley ball in 90 degree heat that appealed to me this year. Seriously, their energy and childlike faith are contagious - it's fun to be there. So I am one of the "conductors" leading the pre-k, kindergarten and 1st graders between story time and games, cinema and snack, and of course the craft time. Do you KNOW how much kids that age enjoy using glue? And how MUCH they feel they should use? Not pretty...but it was fun for the kids and that's why they are there. I especially enjoyed watching one of the 3 year olds. He was with his grandma...wouldn't let her out of his sight...he was so shy.
Gradually, during the Bible story, he left her arms, and joined the kids. I watched as he really began to lose his shyness and enjoyed participating in the telling of the story and answering the questions. His grandma took a step back and sat down...within his line of sight, but away from him. Big step for a grandma - bigger still for her grandson.
Laurie was shy as a little girl. We used to go to a local restaurant...the kind that had baskets of peanuts on the table and peanut shells all over the floor. They had a clown walking around making animals out of balloons. She was so afraid of clowns - when she saw him headed for our table she would always take a drink of her soda - she couldn't see him over the glass and she assumed he couldn't see her. What a funny little girl...but really, aren't we all like that in a way? How often do we avoid doing what we know God calls us to do? As the little boy at VBS did tonight, for a few moments he joined in...took a step forward and forgot his fear.
It was kind of a long day, but tomorrow will be another - a new workday and a new VBS experience as well. The Gospel Express is our theme. Spreading the good news of Jesus.
Hop on board! After all, we have the easy part. Jesus did the saving...we just need to tell of the Savior.
God bless our troops.

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