Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday. Didn't it seem like it took an awfully long time for the weekend to get here? It's a warm one in our neck of the woods - Ron just went outside and he said it feels like a rain forest out there with the heat and humidity just hanging in the air. I guess we won't be looking for an RV today - maybe we'll go to a movie or something. Thank goodness for central air - I kind of dragged my feet on it when Ron first suggested it (I do that about many of his projects around here). Sure am glad he's the boss and went ahead with it (as all the other projects turned out great too :)
Today I would like to send you to a few other websites, if you have the time. The first, is one which is very dear to my heart. Support and encouragement for military families, with an emphasis on faith, prayer, and friendship. I have met many wonderful people (all military moms or wives) through MMs from all corners of this great nation, and everywhere in between. Many of them I have met in person, others are "cyber" friends whom I would be lost without. Not to mention countless military moms right here in my hometown. I've been a member there for nearly 5 years...and it was through that website that I learned this deep pride (and sometimes the anguish) is not an uncommon thing. It was good to know that there are others walking in the same shoes (although sometimes I could use a pair of good, comfortable slippers).
And then there is my friend Erik Holtan, whose Long, Strange Trip took me to the sands of Iraq through the eyes of a soldier. His blog is excellent and though I eventually will post the link on the side of this blog, until I know how to do that he's located at Thankfully he is safely back home in MN with his beautiful wife Missy and their three (almost 4) children. He is honest, to the point and almost never at a loss for words. :)
Through Erik, I "met" Emily Bari, a military wife from MN whose hubby Dan is in the sand. Her blog is beautiful - Consider how the Lilies Grow and can be found at She is walking in faith and is an inspiration to anyone who has a loved one serving in the sand.
Well, guess that's about it for today. God bless your day and may you find joy in your corner of the world - wherever that may be.

1 comment:

Erik Holtan said...

So when you say, never at a loss for words, does that mean I am a loud mouth?
Kidding, thanks for the link Sue, if I get off my lazy butt to update my links, I will get 2 star mom on there.
Hope you and Ron are well!