Saturday, August 26, 2006

WAR!!! What is it good for?

In the last few weeks, two of my close friends have seen their sons join the troops in Iraq. I know how they feel, know where they are, and understand the journey these moms are embarking on involuntarily. And yet...what do I say? It's so hard to know that it doesn't change anything for them. Any amount of friendship or love is a help, but when war touches you personally, there is only one thing that will make it better. It's not making the WELCOME HOME banner, but watching your loved one read it.
I am not a political person, but I am fiercely loyal. Loyal to the troops - and to their commander in chief. To those opposed to the war, that may seem a contradiction because of their belief that President Bush doesn't care about the bloodshed of our troops or that he sent them in without thought or concern of their safety.
I am not FOR war. War frightens me, has touched my children, has changed me. Peace is so much easier to deal with than war - but when in the history of the world has there ever been a lasting peace? This particular war has touched so many of my friends that I could not mention them all without leaving someone out. But, I will mention one - Colleen - whose son Jim was injured severely in Iraq within two weeks after he returned from R&R...and his best friend, David was killed in the same attack. Her Jim is a living testimony to the strength of our troops. Jim has been a constant friend to the family of his buddy who was killed in Iraq - is Godfather to a new baby boy born into that family just a few days ago. His heart may always hold the memories of what he has been through, but he believes that he can do more by going on than in focusing on what he sees when he looks back. And Jim believed in the mission. His friend believed in the mission, though he sacrificed his life for that mission.
So many soldiers are suffering from PTSD. We cannot imagine the unspeakable things that you went through while you were deployed - nor can we understand them. But your countrymen pray for you with out ceasing - pray for your families that they might find the resources for you to lead a normal life...pray that you will find peace in your heart.
One of the greatest things about being an American is that we can speak freely about what is on our mind and in our hearts. To my friends with loved ones deployed - your soldiers are in my prayers daily. I believe that THEY believe in their mission. It doesn't make it easier, but it makes it worthwhile...for them. And somehow, may that help you. - to know that your soldier is believing in something that is worth fighting for.
So many of those who serve are still on our home soil - or on foreign soil other than in the sand, and they have our prayers as well...some of them may be chomping at the bit to be involved in the war...but they are needed right where they are. May they understand that they make up part of the greatest military in the world and that in itself is a braver thing than most of us can even think of doing.

President Bush is a sore subject in many social circles, and even as people gather around the water coolers in offices. But I believe that God chose the right man to be in the white house during these times. I believe that the decisions he has made - good or bad - they are made in prayer and conviction. There are days when I think of him as a Godsend to our nation...and other days when I watch the news and wonder what in heaven's name he was thinking of. He is not a saint, and certainly has his downfalls, but he is our president. I told someone the other day that no one is lovable all the time - even Jesus, though perfect, had enemies. President Bush is definitely not perfect...but surely deserves our prayers.
So far in my blogs I have tried to keep to "safe" subjects. I guess it was time to share other things as well.
The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians that we go through trials and struggles so that someday we may help others through the same experiences, as God has helped us. It's a never ending circle - there is always someone in need, always someone God asks us to reach out to with understanding.
I hope if that someone in need is reading this right now, you will feel the hand that is extended.
God bless your weekend.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Thank you Sue for your kind words. I think that you are a wonderul blogger, you keep it up my friend. Thank you again.
Hugs Fran