Thursday, August 31, 2006

Labor Day Weekend!!

Well, we are all packed and ready to go...Ron and I & Lilly are going camping this weekend. It's going to be chilly and rainy but we have a comfortable travel trailer so we'll hunker down and watch movies and do our 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle and leave the bedroom window open just enough to get the cool night air. Of course I have to work tomorrow but at 4:30 I am out of there and on my way. Ron will drive out earlier in the day with Lilly and the trailer and I will drive from work out to the campground. I should get there by 6. We will stay until Tuesday - I'll commute from there on Tuesday morning...will have to leave by 0630 to get to work on time but that's ok.
This being Labor Day weekend, it's a time to stop and thank all those who work so hard to keep this country running...white collar, blue collar, medical professionals, pizza makers. There are people who stock the shelves in the grocery stores, and the people who keep the local Wal-Mart going, those who make lives better with nursing, or fixing appliances so that we can cook our dinner or wash our clothes; and there are still others who teach our children and grandchildren and college students; those people who are sometimes called grease monkeys...but are the best when it comes to keeping us on the road, and therefore should be called what they are - mechanics who are in tune to all the changes in today's cars. Or the tow truck driver who rescues you on a busy thoroughfare or a country road. Or the stay at home mom or dad who make sure that their children are safe and happy, with lunches that include homemade cookies in their back packs each day as they go to school. How I admire them for being able to resist the temptation of making more money for the joys and rewards of being home with their family. And I admire too, the staff at daycare centers or the babysitters who make it possible for children to receive loving care while their parents are at work or school.
So many occupations - and yet I have only touched on a few. When you are doing that commute every day, do you (do I?) ever wonder who is in the car next to you (me) and what they do? Or are we too intent on getting to work (or home) ourselves?
There are those who keep us safe...policemen, firemen, EMTs... and those who keep us free.
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties. Without them, where would we be? Would we be free to do what we do now? And where would the people of so many nations around the world be if it weren't for our military? People like Jay and Nathan and Vinny; Erik and Jim and Dan; Laurie and Stephen and Billy...what would we do with out these people?
Who else but Americans understand that it is our duty - our right - our privilege - to make life better for other people? To pray for them, and with them.
Among those I admire (and thank) the most - aside from our military, are those who teach and preach the Word of God - our Pastors or Priests or Rabbis who teach us so that we can take that Word to others - so they may have hope.
So you see, whatever our jobs, this is a weekend to celebrate the work we do for one another...for our families...and if we find our job satisfying or rewarding, we celebrate in thanksgiving for our own jobs as well.
It's also a time to remember Jesus' words..."Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden...and I will give you rest."
I'll be back on Tuesday - God bless your weekend with safety and good times. Maybe a hot dog or two - a cold beer, or a glass of iced tea.
Thanks for stopping by.
God bless our troops and those who love them.

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