Thursday, August 17, 2006


One of the reasons I love the month of August is that you get a little sense of two seasons. The days are sunny and warm, and yet at night you begin to feel and sense that fall is in the air. You stand in front of the open window looking out at the darkness, and as the curtains gently move with the breeze, the crisp scent of autumn reaches you. The calendar still says summer, but the cool night air tells you there's not much of it left. And, no matter what, it seems that as I breathe in the crispness of the air, and thank God for His creation, and for the day that is behind me and the sleep that is in front of me, my thoughts always turn to those far away in a strange land...the soldiers who are struggling in the heat of the desert. Do they know that there are so many of us here in their own country thinking of them? And praying for them? And appreciating them? Do their loved ones know that others DO understand...that there are many who are walking or have walked in their shoes? For those of you reading this who are waiting at home, I can promise you that I understand. Truly. All those questions that you want to ask when they call...but can't. Or those that you DO ask that your son or daughter just answer with "ummm, can't tell you that, mom." I've been there, have done that and I'm sorry that you are enduring it now. And please know that in a little while, when it's time to go to sleep, if you drink in the fresh breeze of a late summer night, remember please that the breeze carries thoughts and prayers and love for you. But above all, for those you love who serve...those I love who serve. Blessings and love for your Friday...another week nearly done.

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