Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday night already?

Well the weekend sure did fly by for us! Yesterday with Luke's birthday and today I did a little bit of financial aid work so I would be able to concentrate on some problems tomorrow that I know we are going to have at the office.
We watched a few movies (Benchwarmers included...cute and funny ...I needed one of those movies this weekend), and also watched the concluding episodes of the Band of Brothers. It's heavy stuff but it's a series that everyone should see. And I mean everyone. At LEAST once...and also the commentary from the veterans as the story is being told.
One more week before fall classes begin at the university I work at so this week will be one of "those" weeks - the phone will be ringing like crazy and we'll be processing like mad. Sure does make our week go quickly.

Scott's birthday is Friday and if he doesn't send me his wish list pretty soon he's going to get whatever comes to mind.
Lilly is doing better...she is a little more active, but that kennel cough sure does take a lot out of a doggie. She is really enjoying her $30 sleeping pillow so it was well worth it. We have a little problem in that when we take her out she wants BOTH of us to tag along. Well, she will go out for me by ourselves, but when Ron takes her out, she stands in the garage by the door until I join them. This won't me on that. :)

One of the highlights of my day yesterday (NOT) was when I dropped a bowl of spaghetti sauce and meatballs on the carpet. I sprayed and scrubbed and sprayed and looks ok, but I think it's going to need steam cleaning. Spot cleaning didn't quite do it. It doesn't help that the carpet is a light tan color. Oh well - worse things could happen, right?

Well, my break is over. Back to work I guess...have about 10 more students to work on. And then tomorrow is another day.

To all my friends with deployed loved ones, God bless you. I hope that you heard from your soldier this weekend. We are about to call ours and hopefully catch Kasey too if he's not in bed or in his time out chair. :)
God bless your Monday my friends and thanks for stopping in.


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