Friday, March 30, 2007

Daddy, I missed you so much.

Happy weekend everyone. I can't believe this week went so fast - waaay too fast. But it's good to have a weekend in front of me.

First, I'd like to wish my good friend Erik best wishes. His blog - A Long Strange Trip took so many of us to the sands of Iraq, and then back to Minnesota as he finally came home to his beautiful family. He always spoke his mind, and we always knew that his words were honest. He's a great young man and I wish him and his family many blessings as he leaves his blog behind. Cathy (Call me Grandma) first "introduced" Erik to me through a link on her blog and I enjoyed meeting him and got to know his family a bit as well. You know what they say about friendships - God brings them into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. However God planned it, it has been a blessing to know Erik and his family.

There was a report on the local news tonight that was absolutely wonderful. A young man - who had just done a tour of duty with the Navy in Iraq - walked quietly into his young son's classroom.

He stood there and said "Hi buddy." The camera focused on the little boy's face as he teared up, ran to his daddy's arms and said, "Daddy, I missed you so much." I sat in front of the tv and cried my eyes out. Cried, and cried, and cried. Not for sadness, but just to see this little boy's joy, and the love he and his dad have for each other. Each day, this scene is repeated time after time...dear Lord may you continue to bring these men and women home safely to their families. The joy is beyond measure.

My cousin Tina is improving slightly - still in critical condition though and in need of many prayers.

The knee is a bit sore tonight - I've not been wearing a brace most of this week - dr. said I could start doing that, but I think I overdid it a bit. Tonight it's an early night for pjs, a movie, or the Sabres game on tv. It was a good week at work and now I am definitely looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow Ron and I will do some shopping and Scott and Tina have invited us for dinner. I'm looking forward to it and to spending time with the kids and grandkids.

On Sunday morning, I'll be back in a pew for worship as I go to church for the first time since the accident. Sure has been strange not being there on Sunday mornings.

Praying for our troops and for our President. May God bless them and put His hedge of protection all around them and keep their hearts filled with courage for He does not give us a Spirit of fear.

Have a great weekend friends...



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