Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bumps in the road...errr....sidewalk.

Hi friends,

Well some of you from may know that this week has been anything but boring. Last Sunday morning as I was coming out of church, having locked all the doors, turned off the lights, etc., I was walking down the bare, dry sidewalk when I decided to turn and see if I had turned out the entranceway lights. Yup, I noticed, it's all good; whereby I turned around and started walking again. I didn't even get to take my first complete step before I found myself falling...and falling hard...on the sidewalk. I landed on my left knee. Well, I thought, how bad could it be? Feeling my knee, and the several pieces under the skin. And so the answer to my question? Bad...very bad.

So I thought well I will get up, get to the car and have Ron take a look at it when we get home. NOT!! Could not stand on it. Reached for my cell phone to call Ron when I heard a car in the church parking lot. My friend Betty, (now guardian angel Betty) had been looking in her rear view mirror as she left the church parking lot and she saw me on the sidewalk.

Betty helped me to her car, we called Ron to come and meet us at the church, and then I would go to the emergency care clinic. By the time Ron got to the church I couldn't move it enough to go from one car to the next so Ron followed Betty and I to the clinic.

Three hours and a few xrays later, the prognosis: badly broken kneecap.

Having had surgery this past Wednesday, I am now (supposedly) on the mend.

I have the best nurse in the world - Ron. A bunch of wonderful friends praying for me, and some angels unaware.

Remember in my last post I said that God puts us where He wants us to be? Point in case, my friend Betty. He put her exactly where He needed her, and thank you Lord, where I needed her to be.

One place I won't be for awhile is work - at least another week or two at home. He is giving me patience. And teaching me love, oh yes, so much about love. In the gentle care Ron gives me, the flowers, fruit baskets, phone calls and cards that are being received every day, and in the prayers which I know are being spoken on my behalf.

Yes - there can be bumps in the road. But God knows exactly where He is putting them so that we will know He is picking us up and setting us gently down in the care He gives us through others.

I won't be on too often because Ron allows me 30 minutes tops each day until I get stronger.

Funny how I've been teaching my Sunday School class about Faith. It makes us whole - even when we feel broken. It makes us whole again.

God loves us so...
God bless our troops and those of us who wait.


1 comment:

Call Me Grandma said...

Sorry to haer that Sue. I have been neglecting my blogging buddies. You sure have had a lot going on.
I will say a pray for you to be made good as new and back to your old routine as soon as possible.