Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Where God wants us....

Haven't posted in a week...lots to do and many things on my mind and heart. It's been a week of disappointments and discoveries, and learning to listen.
Did you ever want to do something so badly...know you probably can't have it..yet there's that glimmer of hope that there's still a chance? This is what happened to Ron and I over the weekend - I can't tell you what it is because it involves someone who reads this blog from time to time. Let me just say that I think God sometimes has to take things away from us because we need to give to someone else.
I have a staff member at work - one of my girls - who just found out that her dad has stage 4 cancer and has very little time to live. For this young woman, the sun rises and sets in her dad...she is married and loves her husband very much...but she is still very close to her dad. She came into the office yesterday to ask about the family medical leave act...she wants to take care of her dad which is a wonderful thing. It will be a blessing for them both but it will be hard and will take everything that is in her. And then some. But when it's over, she will know that her dad had the best care possible because it was the care of someone who loved him. I guess my role as her supervisor hasn't changed...being there to help with the business/personnel side of things...and being her friend as well. I think God needed me to be disappointed. After all, I've been where Katie is. And I remember how much I needed a support system. Ron's mom moved in with us the day after Laurie left for basic training. She had terminal cancer as well...couldn't live on her own, and we wanted her to stay here so that we could care for her. As natural as it seemed to be having mom here though, it wasn't exactly the same situation Katie has.
Ill as mom was, the 6 months she was here was a healing process because she had never understood that I wasn't her rival...that I loved often I would agonize over the fact that she didn't see my love for her.
And then God stepped in and showed her. It took 29 years and yet His timing was perfect. During her illness she could see that I truly cared. The sitting beside the bed, holding her hand in the dark hours of the night when we both were afraid...God was speaking through all of this - to BOTH of us - and telling us how our hearts and feelings had healed. I lost mom but she and I gained a total understanding of the love and respect that we had for one another. God has His perfect plan - and that plan is a blessing if we are willing to accept it. No matter how long it takes to unfold.
Katie will see a lot in these days and weeks to come - the pain and suffering of her dad, but she will also hear his stories. They will share many memories...realize the blessings they have.
So now, I think I will listen a little more carefully. We can't always have what we can be within arm's reach, but then we find out that our arms are needed for other things. Like giving hugs, or reaching up to our Father in prayer ~ or praise. Speaking of prayer, I would ask that you pray for my cousin Tina who is about to undergo her second bone marrow transplant. She has the most gentle, loving, faith filled heart, and she needs that miracle she is trusting God will provide. It's been a long road for her...but she would like to journey down that road for awhile longer.

Like I've said before...this military mom roller coaster goes up and down...but the world keeps turning. And we are needed ~ by family, friends, employees. And God needs us too...right where we are.
May He bless you.


kbug said...

It's true that God puts us where he wants us to be, when he wants us to be there, and uses us the way he wants to use us......ain't it great!!!!

Call Me Grandma said...

Very nicely said.
God ways are always the hard way. His way is not man's way. I know exactly what you are talking about. I usually see His greater good come out of what we call bad times.

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
Psalm 55:22