Saturday, November 25, 2006

Just plain thank you and God bless you.

Today, with all that is going on in the sand, I'd like to say something to our Troops.
We missed you on Thursday - missed your face at our dinner tables, your tales of mischief with your cousins or friends, your laughter. We missed you leaning your chairs back and saying "whew, Mom, you really
outdid yourself."
Oh you were here alright - you are ALWAYS here. But we missed you. On Thursday at Scott and Tina's I was asked to do the blessing before dinner. It went well - until I got to the part about you. I was able to ask God's blessing on Laurie and Stephen and Kasey with the words catching in my throat a little bit, because although we missed them at the table, we knew that Stephen was carving their own turkey for their little family. They are blessed to have each other. But then I got to the rest of you - and I was lucky to have been able to say anything at all. Because not only do we think about you, but about your families as well. Ron and I remember the Thanksgiving and Christmas that Stephen was in the sand as though it was yesterday. And it's something that we wouldn't want anyone going through - yet nearly 150,000 families ARE going through it right now.
Now, as so many people are storming the malls, or the Best Buy stores, or Wally World, I would like to think that they think about our military once in awhile - not just when they see the news - but that they take time out of their busy days to pray about them and for them. For that reason, I will wear my Military Moms sweatshirt today - to let them think about our sons and daughters, husbands or wives, or other loved ones are serving. Just so that in all the busy-ness of the shopping, they will remember them in prayer and be thankful for the things we often take for granted. And to remember their family members who are struggling to know what should go in the holiday boxes they are sending.
Today and everyday - to our troops who are serving in the finest military in the world, and to those who love them, this is just a simple message, but sincere...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Sue...I ditto that!