Saturday, November 11, 2006

Have you hugged a Veteran today?

This is a day of remembering all those who have served - and to honor all those who are now serving.
Before I went to work on the day that Laurie left active Army service after nearly 7 years, I removed the bumper sticker on my car which said, "My Daughter is Serving in the US Army" and replaced it with a new one which said, "HAVE YOU HUGGED A VETERAN TODAY?"
Ron and I took the two star banner out of the window, and replaced it with the one star banner which had been removed when Laurie and Stephen got engaged. At work, at the end of my desk, I replaced the paper copy of my two star banner with the one star and also posted the same bumper sticker above asking about hugging a veteran. I could still honor Laurie's service in this way. All of these little acts were bittersweet for us - only another military parent or relative can understand the pride and the fear, the love and the frustration, the ups and the downs of having a loved one serve. When it's all over, well, there is relief and also a tinge of regret.
Of course all of those actions were reversed when Laurie re-joined as a reservist. And it was then that I realized that those old familiar feelings in her serving hadn't diminished at all.
Like I said, it can only be understood by those who walk in the shoes.
My first words to Ron this morning were, "Happy Veteran's Day."
Ron served for 6 years in the Navy during the Vietnam War era - and in fact they did lose a comrade when their ship came under fire as it patrolled the shores of Vietnam. I am proud of his service too - and of his ever present loyalty to our country and our military.
I am one of those people who cries easily - not so much from sadness but from GOOD things. Things like joy; or pride (not boastful pride but a loyal pride like singing the Star Spangled Banner or God Bless America).
This morning on CNN there was a soldier currently serving in Iraq who was given a long distance reunion with his wife and 3 children. It was a public forum for such a private moment and yet, it was perfect.
The President will be at Arlington today presenting a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns and that ceremony will also be on CNN or FOX. And I will watch it - and probably shed a few tears because of the faithfulness God has shown to our country. From the very first moment America was born, men and women have fought hard - and constantly - for our freedom and
to keep us safe. The service of our military as I write this post is not one iota different. The methods and the weapons have changed, but their hearts have not. Quite simply, they are the finest military in the world, as we have always been blessed with. And God has always been faithful in His grace and love.
So - have YOU hugged a Veteran today? Go out and find one - and make sure they know how thankful you are for their courage and sacrifice. And then find a current member of the military if you can - or write to a man or woman who serves - and let them hear your gratitude as well.
God bless America and all those who love her and defend her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post Sue. We can never thank them enough.