Monday, January 19, 2009

This house belongs to Murphy's.

Hi everyone. It's been a busy week - cleaning, polishing, pitching and tossing. Ron helped so much - he was awesome. The lady did indeed stop on Saturday - she brought her sister and brother in law also since she is single - widowed or divorced - so she wanted some moral support in checking out things like the furnace, wiring, etc. She told us we would be seeing her again, and that she was going to call her lawyer to draw up an offer. We are really excited at this but are not holding our breath since the offer is what counts.
As long as the house is in good shape, :-), we are having a realtor come in on Friday, just in case the offer isn't what we have in mind, so that we can list it if the lady doesn't buy it.
And so, Murphy's Oil Soap comes through again.
Unfortunately, my little trip to the ditch finally reared it's ugly aftermath with a case of siatica. I haven't been able to sleep for the past 2 nights - pacing and praying away the spasms in my leg and ankle - with a good share of tears and sobs mixed in. I went to urgent care yesterday but the medicine they gave me really isn't touching it - today I have an appointment with my own doctor so hopefully he can check me out a bit more thouroughly - the NP didn't even have me put a gown on so that she could check me out. Not that I don't think she knows what she is doing, but the shot that she gave me was supposed to help within 15 minutes - and did not - and the pain killer isn't doing anything either.
So, this is my story and I am sticking to it. I sure hope I sleep better tonight - I could be retiring sooner than I thought if this lady is serious.
I can hope, right? Kasey is so excited.
Thanks Mr. Murphy. You did it again.
God bless our troops.


Karen said...

I'll say my prayers that the offer is what you want. I sure hope you start feeling better soon, I hate sciatica.

Ma said...

I, too, have my fingers crossed. Take care of yourself. The pain doesn't sound good.

Elisha said...

Sorry to hear about the pain. Hope it subsides soon.

Praying the offer comes through and that it is one you are happy with.

Gotta love the Murphy's oil soap!

Call Me Grandma said...

Prayers going out to you Sue.
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I have a lot going on.
I see you also have a lot going on.
BIG HUG dear friend.

Linda said...

I hope and pray you will be pain free soon. I hope the offer for your house is a good one, sure would help if you didnt have to go thru a realator and pay that comission...more money in your pockets