Sunday, November 02, 2008

Those 4 little words.

I know, I know...I've been awol. But oh what a wonderful time we are having here.
Kasey has been here for a week now and grandma is learning the ropes of having a 3 year old here full time. We have a pretty good schedule going - Kasey and I. Well, at least it SEEMS pretty good until I look at the clock in the morning and realize we are running a little late. I am only getting up 20 minutes earlier than usual - I might make that 25 minutes earlier this week and see if it makes a difference. Last week we did well on Tuesday - his first day of preshool. Grandpa went with us to take pictures and I didn't cry until I got to the car after we dropped him off, hung up his coat, took the pictures. You know...all that good stuff that moms usually have the blessing of doing - I can tell you that Grandmas treasure these things just as much.
Wednesday we were on our own and it went well; Thursday would have been great if I hadn't remembered halfway down the road that we (ok, it was me that did it) left Kasey's backpack sitting by the door - so we came back for it and I figured that I might as well grab my coffee mug sitting next to it. I was still at work in plenty of time.
Friday was Halloween - and someone said to me at work when they saw me with out a costume that they had expected I would be the one person in the office to dress up. All I could say was that at least Kasey's Batman costume made it to daycare - in his backpack, which I actually remembered.
Only a couple of times during the whole week did Ron and I hear those 4 little words -
"I want my mommy. " But this weekend we heard them a few times - including at 5:30 this morning when we were supposed to be sleeping but Kasey and I had some time together instead because he was missing mommy. Morning time, when the house is quiet and dark, is a good time to remember who is really in charge here. Not grandma, or grandpa, but our Father.
Thank you, God for that reassurance. Help me to seek that every minute of the day.
Everything is good until I hear those 4 little words. When I do, and it's usually at night, I just do scratchies on Kasey's back and tell him a story and remind him that his mommy is thinking of him that very minute.
Laurie calls every single day - and Stephen has called twice already as well. When he called this afternoon, Stephen said his R and R is scheduled - though not for awhile - but he will fly here and then take Kasey to where Laurie is so the three of them can spend the time together.
It's funny - Stephen and Laurie keep thanking us. And Ron and I just give thanks for the blessing of having this wonderful little boy here.
I know that the weeks and months will fly by for Ron and I. But may each day that Laurie, Stephen and Kasey are apart bring them closer in heart - God strengthen my soldiers and their little boy - and give them your peace.
May this be so for ALL military families who are apart.


Karen said...

My heart breaks for all of you....those little words and how to make him understand.....Kasey is in great hands though and you are right GOD is in control and everything will work out. I was just gonna send you an email to see how things were going when I saw you updated the blog. I was concerned....Know my prayers are with all of you.

Ma said...

You and Ron are such angels. What a blessing you two are. Kasey is so lucky but I know you feel that you and Ron are the lucky ones. Everyone wins with such wonderful grandparents as you two.

Love and kisses to all of you!

Call Me Grandma said...

Sue, My heart really feels for your family. What a sacrifice you all are making for each other, and for our country.
Give Kasey a great BIG HUG from me. I really feel for the little guy.
God will get you through this. He always does.
Prayers and thoughts going out to you and yours.

chrisbeth said...

I love you Sue and I think it is so special that you are doing this for Kasey and Laurie and Stephen. God is really in this there is no doubt. Just the fact that Kasey has settled in so easily. And not asking for mom all the time. You are doing a great job. I noticed that whenever Rebekah says she wants to go home is if she didnt get her own way, got yelled at or thinks papa is mad at her. God Bless you Suel