Wednesday, November 05, 2008

And so it goes.

Well, unless you haven't had access to a radio, a tv, or the internet, you know that Barack Obama was elected President yesterday - and so it goes. America, you have stood up and you have spoken. And really, isn't this what we are all about? I am not saying that my vote was for him, but for America, for our troops, for all of us as a united people. I have friends who dearly wanted John McCain to win - I am amongst them. BUT, in our nation's 232 year history, we have always found that freedom wins out over choice...doesn't it? What matters in the end is not Rebublican or Democrat or Liberal or Conservative. It's DEMOCRACY. Freedom.
God bless our new President elect - he will need God's wisdom, and strength, and faith. Just as we all do.
And may He bless our troops as they think about their newly elected commander in chief. May they look to him with confidence - and look to God for His blessings and love.
God bless America - our home sweet home.

1 comment:

Call Me Grandma said...

You are right. We got to get behind him now.
He does have my prayers.
He needs them. He has a tough job ahead of him.