Friday, November 28, 2008

Ice chips and lots of love.

Well, the phrase "just a little bug, honey" was brought forth around here today. Haven't said that to a child in years. But this morning, as Kasey's little tummy decided to reject his morning dinosaur eggs oatmeal, the days of toddlers and their fragile little tummys came back without a doubt. I am not his mommy and when a little kid gets sick, they want their mommy. This morning, he seemed to know that Grandma had some experience with this sort of thing and so he was fine in letting me handle the ice chips and blankies and the "just in case" towels.
This afternoon, as he lies on the couch, and I am breaking the 2 1/2 hour max TV rule (Laurie says it's ok :), he is doing much better. His tummy is better - he lifted his shirt and showed it to me. (I just want to give him one of those toy catalogs that have been coming every other day in the mail - know what I mean?).
And so we have passed our second crisis - the first was a rash from the laundry detergent we were using - free of everything but just not liking Kasey. Grandma went and bought some Dreft - something else we haven't seen around here in awhile.
And he is talking about when he will see his mom on the webcam tonight.
There's a rain/snow mix falling outside - a good day for being inside and on the couch with a warm blankie and lots of attention. This hour's movie is Peter Pan. Yup, I think Kasey knows that Grandma knows how to do this.
Ice chips and lots of love.


betty said...

Sorry that Kasey had a hurting tummy. Glad it's getting better. Laughed when you said he wanted to show it to you so you could see it's better. How entertaining are grandchildren even when they're ill. Hope he's all better and that he doesn't share it with you and Ron.. Bye... Betty

Karen said...

I'm glad Kasey is feeling a little better, yup gramma's know how to make it better just like mommy....
I know what you mean about having Dreft in the house, we have some too for Shannon's things when she's here.