Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Did you ever stop to think about all the people who inspire us? How do they inspire us? I can tell you from (just a few years of) personal observation....people who inspire me are usually those who have been dropped off in a valley, with long roads ahead of them, and very rough terrain beneath their feet. Sometimes they have shoes, and at other times they travel in bare feet.
They face cancer, perhaps. Or the illness of a loved one AND their own illness. Or the death of a loved one. And yet, their faith tells it all. Their faith - it makes their faces radiant and their hearts humble; they have the best sense of humor...and the greatest appreciation for life.
They didn't ASK to be an inspiration...who wants to go through hardship; or to be an example of how to walk in a valley? The answer is simple. No one. But that's where the grace comes in. It's the grace - the humility - that sets them apart. Because they don't talk about it unless they are asked; they don't dwell on it, but instead enjoy every moment of life they have. They may have close friends to lean on, but nearly all of them know their closest Friend is always with them. And always, when we are trying to show Christian love to them, WE see Jesus in THEM. I know a few people like this...and they don't even know that I am in awe of their faith...their steadfast trust that God will answer our prayers for them in a way only He ordains, and that they will accept His anwers whatever they might be.
We pray for God to be ever close to them.
No, we really don't want to be a source of inspiration because it usually means we are going through difficulties.
But thank you Lord that you give us the eyes to see you in these people and the hope that we can be more like them in our everyday lives.
I am in awe of young military families...I know several young women who read this blog who inspire me because they are at home with the kids, filling two roles and have a job description pages and pages long; and with situations that would be so much easier to deal with if they had their spouses home instead of in the sand. I have a child who is one of those young women - getting ready to start her own long journey without Kasey who will be here and Stephen who is "over there." Oh, I know, there are young men who are doing this as well as their wives serve far away.
When it comes right down to it, you all inspire me for one reason or another, and although I have never met many of you, I give thanks for you. May God help me to practice His grace more diligently and to spread His peace.
Blessings my friends and may God bless our troops and those who love them.


Elisha said...

you are also one of those people who inspire my dear friend.

Unknown said...

This is my first visit to your blog...beautiful!
I look forward to *reading* you again!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Karen said...

I agree with Elisha, you are an inspiration to me also.

Call Me Grandma said...

That was beautiful Sue.
Whether these young people realize it or not, they are a witness for what life really is...service to other...even if it is your own family members. Let's don't forget service to our country.
You hear so much of what is wrong with people today it is nice to read about what is so right for a change.

Ma said...


You inspire me. You see the positive in everything. Prayers being said for Stephen.


Anonymous said...

Hi, my friend... I haven't said that in a while~ I've missed being here. I have a prayer that I worte the other day that I think you might like... I will post it on the blog tomorrow, if I remember to do so. Thank you for sharing the things you are inspired to share. It is fulfilling!
