Friday, May 09, 2008

We've only just begun.

Do you remember that song by the Carpenters? 'White lace and promises - a kiss for luck and we're on our way.'
Well, sometimes that phrase (we've only just begun) can be used for other things besides the white lace and promises.
For us, we began today. Stephen left for his new unit and for the training that he will need for the sand. He's been out of his old MOS for awhile now and will need to make sure that he becomes reacquainted with the things that once fit like a comfortable pair of old slippers.
And so, we will walk this uncertain path together, my friends. He hasn't even left the states yet, and already I am weepy. Maybe it's because this is Mother's day weekend. Or maybe it's just that I am thinking about my soldiers and their little boy sleeping apart for a long, long time to come. Laurie and Kasey will visit him a few times before he leaves for the sand - thank God for 4 day passes and holiday weekends. And he will have a 2 week block leave sometime in the summer - they will be coming home to visit. We are not unique - this is happening to many families these days - and I feel their pain. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, let alone my friends.
Thanks for your company. My friend Michelle mentioned in her blog A Cup of Tea With Friends
the other day that family can be those other than your relatives. A lot of you out there I have never met, others I have known and loved for a long time. And you are all family.
Whoever you are - WHEREVER you are, well, I thank you so much for coming along on this journey. I might just quote a line or two of Scripture that seems appropriate from time to time, if that's ok.
And so tonight, I will close with one of my favorite passages from Hebrews 11:1 - the faith chapter. "Now faith is the substance of all things hoped for; the evidence of things unseen."
Things unseen are what shapes and strengthens us - trust and faith in an unseen God is what I will count on...
May He bless you.

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