Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wrinkle Resistant?

I hardly think so!! This morning I had a Church Council meeting and as I was getting ready - hair, makeup, etc., (you know the drill), I noticed that it seems my face is beginning to resemble my mom and grandma. Well, people do tell me that I look like my mom, but there is also another trait showing up.
It's ok - I'm not a vain person. BUT, with a major birthday just around the corner, I guess they stood out a little more this morning. I'm not an Oil of Olay type of gal - soap and water and a good foundation is good enough for me. It's funny - we see old movies with women who coated their faces with cream before they went to bed. Must have been tough on the sheets and pillow cases. :) My mom never did that although Grandma did use something on her face that smelled wonderful and she would put little pieces of cloth in her hair to hold the curls in at night and wrapped a scarf around her head. When Grandma would come and stay the night with us, my sisters and I would double over in laughter at the stories she would tell us. The stories were always funny and and we would try to listen intently but it it was hard to take her seriously with the little pieces of white rags in her hair and the cream stuff on her face. Ahhh, as the saying goes, those were the days. Well, not really. I like to think of the here and now as the days we will speak of in the future as "the days."
Now, I am the grandma. And while my grandkids are too young to notice the lines in my face (well, Luke notices them - he's 9), the day is coming when they will probably sit by my side with me in my flannel nightgown as I tell them funny stories about their mommies and daddies. By the time this happens, I may have given in to the sweet smelling cream and the little pieces of white cloth... and I sure do look forward to the giggles of my grandchildren.

Blessings my friends,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teehee. My mom is the story teller in our family. When I take her to the doctor she always has a story to tell about her childhood. I heard these stories a hundred times, but I love to listen to them over and over.
I often wondered about all that cream left on the face all night. Don't you think it would clog the pores and give you acne?