Monday, January 29, 2007

A bit of Western NY History.

You've probably all heard about it - January 28th, 1977. The great blizzard of '77. Several feet of snow, winds of nearly 70 mph, and wind chills to 60 below. It was quite a sight to look out the front window of our little cape style home and see nothing but, well, snow. It sounded like a wind tunnel as the gusts blew around the corners of our house outside. Scott wasn't even 2 yet but he was fine. He kept pointing to all the snow outside - "thnow, mommy?" Thnow, Scotty. I'm smiling right now, just remembering the little voice and the inquisitive little face as he looked at me - trusting that whatever was going on outside wouldn't be a problem 'cause mommy and daddy and Tiger were home. Tiger, our buff cocker spaniel...I'm still smiling here.
Anyway, lots of good things came out of that week of snowy weather - including many babies. A regular baby boom hit our city in late fall of that year. And - as so often happens when Mother Nature's fury wreaks havoc on a city - we learned a lot about the good will of perfect strangers. It was a time of total dependency on God's goodness - and His ability to provide.
Appropriately, as I type this, the crawlers are going across the bottom of the TV screen, trailing a message about the snow storm we are experiencing tonight. We could get a foot or two - maybe our university will close - not likely, but I can dream. It's not going to be an easy commute in the morning, but I can do this. I've got a good heater in my car, the gas tank is full and all wheel drive - if it takes me extra time, that's ok. I have a high respect for snow on the roads.
I love a good snow storm. The wind is howling and it's time to crawl into bed. It's a one dog night - Lilly will be sleeping between us tonight - just as Tiger did 30 years ago.
Yup - still smiling. God is good.
Blessings my friends.

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