Wednesday, January 17, 2007

At the risk of repeating myself....

I've been home from work the last couple of days - have some sort of a virus going on that I am hoping will be gone by tomorrow so that I can go back to work. The Spring semester started yesterday so I am sure the work is piling up. Saw the dr. yesterday and will see him again today - and I also had an x-ray done yesterday to make sure the problem which put me in the hospital last month hasn't returned. Will get those results today. Since I am not a good patient, I am hoping tomorrow morning will see me back to work.
So, since I had a little extra time on my hands, I went back and read some of my earlier blogs this morning. I lost count of how many times it was mentioned that I am trying to post links on this site. I read the blogger help thingy over and over and have tried to do what it tells me (or at least what I understand it to say), but am not having much luck.
And so to Call Me Grandma, Erik, Cat, Heather, Kbug...and several others, I apologize. You comment on my site, some of you havc Two Star Mom in your links, and yet here I sit with Google news and edit me under my links on the sidebar. EGADS!!
So at the risk of repeating myself, this afternoon when I get home from the Dr.'s office...guess what I will try to do (yet again)? Keep looking for the links...someday they will be there.
God bless and love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are very patient. If you need help let me know. I might be able to help?