Home again...
It's always such a wonderful trip when we go to visit Laurie, Stephen and Kasey...and also a very short trip no matter how long we are there. The time passes so quickly and then the trip home seems so long. You know what that's like.
But we really did have a wonderful time - Kasey knew who we were and was happy to see us and we enjoyed him so much. He is so busy and so much fun...and so lovable. Laurie and Stephen had a great New Year's Eve party catered by me....spreads and dips and shrimp, deviled eggs and a cheese and sausage platter. I LOVED doing that - felt like I was "earning my keep" and helping a little bit. We went out for lunch and dinner quite a few times - even breakfast a couple of times. Thankfully I did not gain any weight - managed to burn the calories playing with Kasey and following him up and down the stairs. But all good things must come to an end. Yesterday we needed to be at the airport early since Laurie was also leaving to go to school for her Reserve job. As we turned down the road leading to the airport, Kasey - in his most forlorn little voice - looked at me and said "bye bye?" That wasn't good for this grandma but I kept my act together til we got to the airport and he started crying. Now, it was hard enough to say good bye, but then to see Laurie saying goodbye to Stephen and Kasey...THAT was even harder. Yes, they are military, Laurie and Stephen are used to separations, but it's hard for a 21 month old little boy to understand. So, we got through the goodbyes to Stephen and Kasey and then checked in. Ron and I kept our confirmed tickets but were put on standby for earlier flights - our luggage was tagged likewise so that it would travel with us no matter which flight we ended up on. Right.
After Laurie's flight left, we went to the gate for the flight we were on standby for. In the very last moments of boarding, we were able to get seats...likewise for the earlier connecting flight to Buffalo. We got back a couple of hours early...our luggage did not. Surprise, surprise.
They delivered it this morning. When we opened our suitcases, everything was thrown all over the place. They had inspected it and neglected to put the straps back on the contents inside - everything was all crumpled together and wrinkled. But all in one piece so I guess we are grateful for that. The one thing that upset me more than OUR luggage not arriving was the fact that when I called Stephen to let him know we were home, he told me that LAURIE'S luggage did not arrive with her either. THAT upset me more than anything. They had put her luggage on the flight to the same destination which left after hers did - and it didn't make the connecting flight. Hopefully it got to her last night.
So, after 3 weeks of being out from work due to illness and travel, I will return to the rat race tomorrow. Lots waiting for me I'm sure but it will all get done in a day or two.
While we've been gone, a former President has died and his State funeral viewed by millions (me amongst them) and a former dictator has been executed. I have heard some people find fault with the undeserving (??)expense of President Ford's funeral, others found it terrible that Saddam was put to death on a Muslim holiday. Maybe I can explain my feelings about both men in this manner...I cried with the Ford family - Gerald Ford was a kind and decent man whose gentle and forgiving ways lost him an election....and I cried during Saddam's execution - NOT for him, but for the people who were not given a solitary thought before he killed them. And for the military we have lost during and since his tyranny was toppled.
And of course, a new year has arrived as well. 2006 was - for our family - probably no different than it was for yours. Triumphs. troubles, times of change. But always our cup overflowed with blessings. Praying that yours did as well.
I've missed Scott and Tina and the kids - it was time for us to come home.
But it will be awhile before we can go back to visit Laurie and her family, so for now I'll have to be content with the memories, the pictures, and the sound of a little voice running through a house far away saying "Mam ma !!" (Grandma) and "I ou." (I love you) in Kasey talk. It echoes in my heart as well.
Blessings to you all in 2007 - may it be a year of good health, of much happiness - and of peace.