Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I just love this picture of Ron and Kasey, don't you?


Well, here I am, studying for this exam. I do very well with sorting out numbers and with the multiple choice questions about supervision and math. I do all that stuff every single day in my job. But then there is this accounting stuff....ledgers, and debits and credits. And trial balances.
Huh? Is that like, you know, the scales of justice? Nope, no such luck. And so I am making tons of notes - maybe I can understand my own notes better than this Accounting for Dummies book I borrowed.
There is also the matter of Lilly. I curl up on the couch with my books and my notes and my calculator and my cup of tea. (trial balance of a different kind :) And of course since she hasn't seen mommy all day, Lilly gets as close as she can, puts her little face on my arm (awwww) and falls asleep. Therefore, I do not write. I read. And I do not calculate because you have to hold the book with one hand and the calculator with the other. So I read. About ledgers and liabilities and assets...and trial balances. Geesh.
I only have 16 days til this exam. Lilly is gonna have to nap somewhere else - or I am going to have to learn speed reading.
This picture of Ron and Kasey is one of my favorites.
Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Erik, I hope Missy is doing well...getting close now. Tomorrow night I need to sit down and figure out how to post links...that might mean I'll have to look for instructions.
And that will mean more reading...oh goody, more reading.
Blessings my friends - tomorrow is another day.

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