Monday, August 20, 2007

Old habits die hard.

It's been five days since Scott left and old habits seem to die hard. He still calls us every night. I'm not sure if he needs the connection or if he thinks WE need the connection but he's learned that talking to mom and dad isn't a bad thing at all. He doesn't seem to think of it as obligatory. And that means a lot. He calls because he wants to talk to us. That's a cool thing, don't ya think?
Ron's not in a good place with all of this right now - men see things differently. Oh, don't get me wrong - Scott wasn't right in what he did. But a mom's heart never gives up - never stops believing in her child. And a Christian mom never stops trusting that her child is in God's hands.
The weekend was difficult - Veronica was here a lot and to look at her, well it's like looking at her daddy when he was 3 - their expressions, mannerisms, and everything about their faces are mirror images of one another. Scott was always off on Saturday and we'd spend time together. We really missed him this past weekend and since his birthday is this weekend....hmmm, that won't be too much fun either. But he is happy and healthy, so I am thankful for that. It will be a different kind of birthday (or "birth" day) for us all.
The work week is going to be a busy one for sure - classes begin next Monday - another fall semester underway. They go fast - I have the semesters til my retirement counted. Five - count them, five, well actually five and a half. I don't have the number of days counted out yet. Teehee.
And then we can travel to see the kids whenever we feel like it. I like the thought of that.
In the meantime, the phone calls will continue - To Laurie and Stephen and now to Scott too. Need to share the calls because the long distance bills won't be easy if we don't.
Thanks for listening - praying that your Tuesday (or whatever day you are reading this) will be blessed.
God bless our troops and those who wait.


kbug said...

I know what you mean when you talk about Scott calling because he wants to. Seth called me out of the blue yesterday...just because. No reason but to chat. It's the greatest feeling in all the world when your grown kids do that... :)

I hope all goes well with Scott and your family. You have my prayers...

Call Me Grandma said...

The telephone is a wonderful invention especially when our kids live far and wide.
Things will get easier. But, you know that. :)
Prayers going out your way.

Linda said...

I know sometimes our kids decisions are hard to accept sometimes. Hopefully Scott will find his way back home one day. In the meantime I am thankful that he is calling you. Enjoy your precious Veronica.