Sunday, August 26, 2007

Coming to life.

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under Heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
On Friday morning, my cousin Lynn stood before a crowded church sanctuary and read these words with a sad but believing heart. Her Dad - my Uncle Ken - knew the meaning of them, and the verse that follows..."a time to be born, a time to die." As you know, my dad's brother passed into Jesus' embrace last week after a six year long illness. His illness, though, did not prevent him from continuing to do the good and gracious things for which we will all remember him. And he didn't do these acts of servanthood - as husband, dad, grandfather, son, brother, uncle and friend - to be verbally remembered as a wonderful man. He did them all to make all of our lives better. His genuine and infectious laugh, the kindnesses he gave to others, the honest enjoyment he got from life. He made his life count. All the while having the assurance of his eternal resting place in heaven when God called him there. Not because of this goodness to others, but because of his faith in the Savior whose death on the cross promises eternal life to all of us who believe.
Making life count - isn't that what we really seek? Not to be heralded as a success, but as faithful. To our families, our friends, and first (not last) to our God.
Yesterday was Scott's birthday - it was kind of a blah day, but I was determined to make it count. When we finally reached him, he sounded a little bit down, first birthday away from home and all, but he was going to spend the day with new friends - that in itself is a blessing. I'd sent him a small box and a card - more will go out this week. I think a corner was turned yesterday - and as Cathy mentioned in one of her comments to me recently: 'things will get easier, but you know that.'
Yes, Cathy, I do know that. And while I am waiting for it to actually get easier, I find that it provides an opportunity to come to life. To make life count. Every day.
In less than two years, I will be retired so I don't have too much time left at work to make things count. I try to do that every day, but some days it's easier than others, and on those "other" days, at least it's not for lack of trying.
This week will be a busy one - our office staff is shrinking rapidly. A promotional exam was offered a few months ago and now all who took the exam are being interviewed for new jobs. Great for them, not so great for our office because the replacement and training process is a long one. What will be will be - and it will all be fine. I love a challenge. (within reason :).
Laurie and Stephen and Kasey are moving this week - courtesy of the Army. Further away, but they have a plan and will do as they always do - go with the flow. I bought them a wall hanging at the county fair a few years ago. "Home is Where the Army Sends Us." It goes from one home to another, and hangs proudly in each new kitchen. This will be the fifth kitchen it's been displayed in.
To our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, home seems far away. And in the homes where their loved ones wait, home is incomplete. But overseas, and here in our nation, God is with us. All at the same time. Giving courage and faith and hope to all of the hearts calling out to Him.
And during all His seasons of time, we are embraced by the goodness of His love.


Call Me Grandma said...

Your post certainly hits home for me.
I'm going through somethings right now with one of my sons. I told Gene last night, "You know when our kids were little and we were tied down, older wnd wiser parents would tell me, "When they are little they are little worries. When they are big they are bigger worries." I certainly understand that now.

kbug said...

I know where you're coming from...and "Call me Grandma" has it right...the bigger they get, the bigger our worries. I think it must have to do with no longer having any control over their lives...not being able to protect them anymore or make things right. All we can do now is place them in God's hands...but letting go is so difficult to do..... :)