Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring recess!

Finally, Western NY is experiencing SPRING! The sun is out, it's warm and beautiful, and the grass is losing it's winter dullness. I think what I love the most about the change of seasons is the difference in the scent of the fresh air with each transition. Spring smells so wonderful - the air is saying "everything is new." It's the season of promise and rebirth. I remember the first spring we lived in this house - Laurie was only a year old and after Scott left for school every morning, Laurie and I would do our morning routine of breakfast and getting dressed. And then, about 10 am, I would begin opening all the windows to let the spring air into the winter weary house. I'd pick Laurie up in my arms and take her to the front window in the living room and she and I would just drink in the morning air. So fresh, we would breathe it in and smile at each other. Laurie would laugh that beautiful little giggle of hers and it was a wonderful mom and baby moment. As the days grew warmer toward summer, we were doing that ritual earlier and earlier in the day. I'd put her highchair near the open kitchen window and she would eat her nummies with a soft breeze wafting it's way through the room.
For those of us who experience winter in all Mother Nature's glory - snow, ice, wind - you name it - Spring is a wonderful and welcome sight.
This past winter has been a little more unusual than most with my Christmastime stay in the hospital and then my knee injury and surgery. But God teaches us in all things. When I was home and listening to the weather outside the window, I was thankful for a warm home and for Ron sitting here beside me. It's been a time of prayer for my cousin Tina - of hope for her recovery, and thanks for the doctors and nurses and her family who care for her. She is still in critical condition but with each day that passes we look for the promise of new strength. She has been in the hospital for months now - how I pray that someday soon she will experience the scent of spring air.
All seasons have their beauty - and Spring is merely one of them. We learn lessons through them all.
And in ALL of these seasons - as each year passes into the next, there are brave, courageous and strong soldiers serving (meaning ALL members of the military). They work in the heat and the sand of the desert, in the cold of the Alaskan winters, in the seasons of life God plans for them. At all times, as we give thanks for the newness of spring, or the warmth and fun of summer, the crisp and colorful autumn and the cold and icy winters - may we drink in all of the blessings and pray that those who serve will be doubly blessed with the knowledge that God is with them.
God bless all those who serve and those of us who wait.

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