Saturday, June 28, 2008

Make me an offer!

Saturday in Western NY - garage sales abound! Including our garage. Yesterday was the beginning of a 3 day sale - was supposed to be a block sale but it doesn't look like too many are participating. That's a good thing for us - we did very well yesterday - $130 bucks - and only one person tried to get something cheaper and Ron held his ground. It was a chainsaw and all of the accessories - runs great, asking price $35 which even the guy said was a good price...then proceeded to ask Ron if he would take $30 and Ron said no. The guy bought it for asking price. Geesh. We've been open for an hour this morning and have made nearly $100. This is good - tanks of gas money for our trip next week. We must have good prices on the stuff because they are buying the stuff without questions (except for that one guy). If someone wants to buy two thingss, Ron usually gives them a combined price. It's worth it if we can get rid of the stuff and not have to throw it out.
Probably one of the most popular items were the two HUGE bags of stuffed animals which had a sign on them: FREE TO A GOOD HOME!! The last time Laurie, Stephen and Kasey were here we asked Laurie to pick the ones she wanted to save or give to Kasey and then we sent them out in a box because it was Christmas and their luggage was full enough. She then gave us her blessing to do whatever we needed to do to make sure they weren't thrown out, making sure that they would go to kids who wanted them. Uh, Tina allowed Veronica to take a couple of them but the rest went out to the garage sale. Two kids were here, took one and then came back for more. (one apiece please) Then a family with six kids came and wanted more than one apiece. One little kid was upset that he couldn't have more than one so his big sister said to him in a loud whisper, "that's ok, I'll take one too and then give it to you when we leave." Funny. Anyway, they are nearly gone and I am glad because at least we didn't throw them out. Lots of memories in those animals. ("Be strong, Susan, be strong" this little voice is telling me).

So, last night my foot and ankle were like a balloon - today is much better so I will be busy today doing things to get ready for our trip. I am so thankful to have this air cast on because it doesn't hinder me a bit. Tomorrow I am going to try to drive - just to church which is only a few minutes away. I won't try driving to work yet - stop and go traffic for 28 miles would not be good for the ankle.

A week from now we will be with the kids and Kasey. I can't wait - it will be a wonderful 10 days-even our road trip will be fun. They always are.

Prayers for our troops - it's been a sad week in the sand with many casualties. May God bring those soldiers families peace in their hearts. And may they know that their sacrifice will never be forgotten.

God bless our Troops - and those of us who love them.

May He also bless you...thanks for stopping by.


Elisha said...

Wow, sounds like you are doing great with your garage sale. I spent Friday morning going to garage sales. Got some good stuff.

3 weeks from now, we are having our own. My dining room is being take over by garage sale items. I am trying to price them as i bring them out so they will be ready. Hopefully I do as well as you are doing.

Ma said...

Great post.
