Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The doc says....

Hi everyone.

Thank you for your comments and prayers. I went to the orthopedist yesterday and he said that if I was going to do this, I did it the right way. No torn tendons, and when I sprained the ankle, in the process of the sprain, the tendon pulled a bone chip off my ankle bone but the tendon did not actually tear and the bone did not shatter. So I am so thankful. I have to wear an air cast for six weeks and of course ice and elevate it but I can make the road trip next week. I feel so blessed. I am back at work today - elevating the ankle on the same box that I used to elevate my leg when I broke my kneecap last year. At least I am consistent. :) I just had to move it under my desk from the left side to the right.
Prayers for our troops - those in the Middle East and those who serve everywhere else, including those stationed here at home. God bless them all with courage and faith and peace. And those of us who love them.
Hugs to you all,


Elisha said...

Sorry to hear you will be in the air cast for 6 weeks but glad to hear it wont interfere with your trip.

Linda said...

Could have been worse thankfully it's just an aircast, at least you can still go to see the kids just won't be able to do as much as you would like. Have a great trip

kbug said...

OMG, you're just an accident waiting to happen..... :) Actually, a few weeks ago, I slipped on the stairs in the parking garage at work and landed on my butt up against the bottom step. Luckily, I didn't break anything, but a couple days later it was still sore, so I contorted myself around to look in the mirror and found a GIGANTIC bruise on the top part of my left butt cheek...and I mean HUGE!!! Well, it's a hard place to see, ya know, so I hadn't noticed it before. Anyway, my hubby thought it was hysterical...he even took a picture of it...but no, I'm not posting it here..... :)