Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's Fall!!

Fall arrived this week - on the calendar anyway. Our temps are still somewhat warm for this time of year, but the mornings and the evenings are definitely cooler. It's that time of year when it's too late to wear summer clothes, too early to wear the heavier garb of winter and so you have to search until you find just the right layering effect so that if the office is too warm you can shed a layer without looking too summery. Know what I mean ladies? And, since I have been able to shed a few lbs. in recent months, it's going to be a bit boring in the wardrobe department until I can find a few more things at SEARS to mix and match.
I think every woman reading this blog can identify with the seasonal wardrobe thing.
But there is more to a change of season than a change of wardrobe. For many of my friends, it's a season closer to their kids coming home from the sandbox...or for some, the season during which their children deploy.
It's a season when most of us think about Halloween, or Thanksgiving, or raking leaves. Pumpkins and winter squash; huge rust colored mum plants on our front porch.
But for others it's a time to think about what they will send in the holiday boxes for their loved ones who aren't home for the holidays. They don't need to be deployed to be missed...from personal experience, I can assure you of that.
And so what do we do when that familiar empty feeling sets in? For me, I look at the beauty God places in our world...the leaves of amber and orange and a thousand shades of red and I remember that the same hand who created that beauty is holding all of us in His care. It doesn't bring our loved ones closer in miles, but it reminds me that we are all in the same loving embrace at the same exact time.
Remember His love for us - it is far reaching, and never ending. As I begin to buy things for the holiday packages I'll be sending to loved ones, I'll be remembering that He keeps us close. And though many who read this are friends from across the country, He also keeps US close.
Enjoy your weekend - it's a whole new season to celebrate His goodness and grace.

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