Thursday, July 09, 2009


After a week at Laurie's, and then three HOT days on the road, we are finally at our home base and are waiting for news on when Stephen will be coming home. Saturday when we were on our way to the zoo, Laurie's cell phone rang and it was Stephen. NO MORE MAIL!
THIS is a good thing as anyone who has ever had a loved one deployed can tell you. And so, now that we are where we want to be for a couple of months, we will have some fun with Kasey, do some shopping and finish unpacking the trailer. I have quite a bit of wall space so there will be plenty of room for my patriotic wall hangings. Call this mom happy and finally, after a rough few months, I think we are content. Scott will be here later this month, Laurie will also have leave in August, and they will stay here. So we are allowing ourselves one free day tomorrow, then begin the fun part of decorating and the rest of the unpacking.
Kasey is so excited to be here. Such a lot this little boy has been through in the past 10 months.

I must admit, there have been times during these last few weeks when I can honestly tell you I thought we were crazy to do this full time RVing thing. But God is good - He knows just how much we can handle and stops at that.
So now, instead of writing letters, I can start writing my lists and planning Stephen's welcome home dinner. Right here, in our RV. At home.
God bless our troops...and those who wait.


Karen said...

What wonderful news, I don't think there's anything else quite like "No More Mail". Rest up and relax -- you've had a busy few months.

Linda said...

We have never been to CO but I hear it is beautiful. A great place for you to make your home base. How great for Kasey that he can reconnect with his friends. And wonderful that his Daddy will be home soon.