Sunday, April 12, 2009


It is Easter Sunday - the somber days of reflecting on the last supper, the betrayal, and Jesus' trial and death are over (all of which should never be forgotten), and CHRIST IS RISEN!

This morning's service of joy was as uplifting as always - the church filled with the scent of hyacinths, lilies, and tulips, the windows draped in white with butterflies fastened to the drapes to remind us of our new life in Christ. Pastor had changed the communion assistant schedule to include me because he asked me to serve this one last time with him before I leave in a couple of weeks. So, it was not only joyful this morning, but bittersweet. This was the 26th Easter Sunday since God called our family to the doors of this church. Year in year out, day in and day out, moment to moment, there has never been a time when Jesus hasn't been there. And because of this constant reassurance, He has been with me as well - no matter the path God has led me on.

And so again this morning, He was there in all His risen glory.

May He be with you today my friends - and each day to come. May the joy of the risen Christ also bless and be with the men and women who serve our nation at home and away. His peace is one which is everlasting - and the hope we have in Him a hope that endures forever. It matters not where we are, He goes with us.


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