Saturday, February 21, 2009

Keeping in Touch

Deployment is taking on a whole new meaning these days as Stephen's missions in the sand get longer and longer. It means that he isn't able to call, doesn't have the time to write, and internet access isn't something easily come by - he does have his computer with him, but internet access is expensive. And so, we hunker down now, write more letters, send more Kasey pictures and "artwork" and wait for the time when he can have a better schedule.
We have plenty to keep us busy these days. The house is sold, there is plenty to pack (and toss), and our furniture is being sold a piece or two at a time, which is great. We've had a few struggles here and there, but time is going really quickly and before we know it, life as we know it will be sooo much different. It's been our dream for a long time now to do this full time RVing thing, and now that the time is here, for me it's just a bit frightening. No. frightening is not the word. I can't think of a word to describe it, but it's not a bad thing. Just overwhelming. Yup, that's the word. Overwhelming. Whew - glad I got THAT figured out. :)
Kasey, Kasey, Kasey. Our days with him are going so quickly-the days with him yet to come are ahead of us like a wonderful beam of sunshine. Laurie calls every day so it's good that he can talk to mommy and stay connected to her during this long separation.
I've been bad about visiting your blogs - please forgive me. Having not been here for a week either, I can tell you that life just keeps going at break neck speed and I am trusting that it will slow down one of these days. It will, WON"T it?
God bless you all...and may He keep our troops safe in His care.


Elisha said...

You have been missed, but we all know you have so much on your plate and there are only so many hours in a day.

Sorry to hear Stephen is not able to stay in touch much right now, I will pray that there is more ability to be in touch more often.

I ams o glad that Kasey is able to call so often and that Kasey is still able to talk to her so much.

I am praying for you too my friend. I know this is an exciting time for all of you and a dream come true but at the same time overwhelming.

Remember to take time for yourself and take care of yourself.

Linda said...

That is great news that your house has sold!!!!

Call Me Grandma said...

We miss you but we understand.
I hope things slow down for you.
I am still waiting for life to slow down for me.

kbug said...

Aren't we all just a bit remiss at keeping up with our blogs these days.....:) I'm glad to hear that your plans are finally coming to fruition and that your life on the road will soon begin. What great adventures must await you over the horizon. I love to travel, too, but I also love coming home. And I don't know if I could live without all my stuff about me. I'm such a sentimental fool. Do keep us all posted as your new life unfolds. All my best to you and yours...