Sunday, December 28, 2008

And the days dwindle down...

The past 10 days have been a whirlwind of activity at our house - and of course we've done our share of activity at the local malls. We have watched Kasey enjoy being with his mommy and daddy - the three of them fit together like a glove. Santa came and went - actually he just rested a bit and mentioned something about sticking around til next year. HUGE dinner on Thursday which was really good (sorry, that sounds somewhat boastful but really, Ron prepped the roast and put it in the oven, brined the turkey and roasted that too). I made the side dishes like stuffing, the mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, the squash, green bean casserole, whipped cream fruit salad, homemade gravies - turkey and beef - and the apple crisp and blueberry pie.
I was blessed in that Ron, Scott and Vi, Stephen and Laurie cleaned up the kitchen for me and you know what that can be like after a holiday meal is cooked.
And there have been the quiet afternoons and evenings - playing Rummikub and Risk (now WHY would I play Risk - a military strategy game with two soldiers and a Navy Veteran)?
Kasey has been a happy little boy - I have of course stepped back from the guardian role and have just been grandma, letting his mom and dad make all the decisions about things. Today we went to the library - wish I could have had a camera when I happened on Ron and Kasey in "their" reading corner.
And so, as the days dwindle down, I am so thankful we've had this time with our soldiers. I knew it couldn't last forever and will enjoy every moment we have yet to spend together. If you could please pray for them as they leave one another, and Kasey, it would be so appreciated.
Funny thing, whenever Ron and I used to visit them - or they would visit us - we'd always joke about keeping Kasey. Ironically, it's not a joke anymore - we DO get to keep him. I smile in gratitude, while my eyes mist over at the thought of them separating again.
I know that God will keep me strong; it is my one certainty - Faith.
God bless our troops and those who love them.


Ma said...

What a beautiful post. You, Ron and Kasey are often in my thoughts and prayers. You are such a wonderful person. All of you are. Kasey is so blessed to have the parents and grandparents he has.

Kasey will always remember this time with you and Ron with such affection.

With love,


Unknown said...

How blessed you are to have such beautiful Christmas memories!
Much happiness to you and your family in the new year!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Karen said...

I knew you would have a blessed Christmas. Enjoy your remaining time with the kids and know my prayers go with them as they leave to fulfill their missions. My prayers are also with you and Ron as you fulfill your mission.
HUGS to all of you, especially little Kasey

kbug said...

What a wonderful Christmas!!! Hope the rest of your time together is just as wonderful...blessings...

Elisha said...

Praying the rest of your time with the kids have been blessed and full of wonderful memories in the making.

Kasey is a truly blessed little guy to have parents who love him so much and grandparents who love him as much as you do.

Hoping lots of pictures are being taken and that we get to see them very soon.