Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Not just another week.

Where does a week go? I can tell you that it sometimes vanishes into thin air. And the days go all too quickly.
But it really has been a blessed week. I am learning that it takes time to practice patience and love. There are wonderful things that need to be noticed and celebrated and savored.
Time with friends and family - one and the same in some cases. This past Sunday, our Pastor who has been serving our church as a licensed Deacon, was ordained at our church. The service was one of the most blessed and joyfilled and beautiful services I have ever attended. And our Pastor is finally a Reverend and so deserves this title. If God ever gave someone a heart to serve, it is our Pastor. He is faith FILLED, faithFUL ( to God and to our congregation and to the mission of spreading the Gospel), and has a love for Jesus that is so contagious. It was just a wonderful day.
My friend Betty and I were blessed to be part of the service - and though I was at first a bit nervous, when the time came to do what Pastor had asked of me, I walked down the aisle in total peace. God does that sometimes if we let Him. To just concentrate on the blessing and joy. Sunday, I let Him and I was richer by far for the experience.
Kasey and I have had our ups and our downs at times, I have definitely needed to raise my voice since he seems to want to push me to the limit, and then says "Ok Grandma" when I have reached that point. Funny little boy. but this perpetual inner happiness this journey is giving me just keeps things rolling along. The end of the day can't come soon enough just to know that I will be picking him up and bringing him home with me.
Yesterday, I promised him he could make snow angels when we got home. And so, as he laid in the snow and waved his arms and legs back and forth in the pure white snow, I decided it was a moment too good to pass up. I dropped everything that I was carrying, turned around, and fell on my back in the snow next to Kasey - snow angels are something you never forget how to make - and the fun of being on my back in the snow with my 3 year old grandson next to me enjoying the same unabandoned experience - well let me tell you that it brings tears to my eyes from the sheer joy of the moment. Life should be that uncomplicated more often, don't you think?
Stephen says they are very busy - I cringe when I hear that but we are so grateful for his phone calls. The one thing I remember about the last deployments was the loneliness I feel after we talk to him. I can almost sense the loneliness he must feel as the delay in our conversation reminds me of the distance we are from this young man we love so much.
I know it will be ok - even though it's sometimes one foot in front of the other, one day, one hour, one moment at a time. I tell Kasey that mommy will be home soon, and that daddy will be so glad to get our Christmas box. Hickory Farms stuff is on order, all the special coffee and snacks just about in the box and ready to go. I need to make some cookies but I think that I will be sending some special ones from the local bakery - their butter cookies are fabulous. Saturday will be a busy day packing and sending.
Dear Lord, thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on our family and on our church this past week. I know that Your will is at work - help me to seek You always - in all ways.
God bless our troops in these coming weeks as they spend this joyful season of peace far from home. And may those who serve - no matter WHERE they serve - find the dearest Friend of all and the Prince of Peace right there beside them.


Unknown said...

Lovely post!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Call Me Grandma said...

I cannot thank your family enough.
You are all truly amazing, especially little Casey.
You are right Sue take one day at a time.

Linda said...

Snowangel how precious you did that with Kasey. I hope you and him have a Very Blessed Christmas