Saturday, May 23, 2009

Because of the Brave

This is definitely a weekend when all military families reflect on the freedom our nation so cherishes - and even more, on the loved ones who keep us free. There's not a whole lot to it - plain and simple, we are free because of the brave.
We are ever so mindful of who to thank. Those who serve now, those who have served in the past, and especially those who have sacrificed everything - even their very lives - so that we may remain free.
It's a belief. A treasure we have been given; and something we can all too easily take for granted if we don't set our hearts in the right place.
What will you do this weekend to honor them? We will hopefully talk to Stephen - more importantly KASEY will talk to Stephen. We will also have our daily conversations with Laurie (and more importantly KASEY will talk to Laurie). And wherever we go, as we pass the flag dotted cemetaries, we will thank God for all who give today - all who gave so much in the past.
There is a certain pride that is in the hearts of Americans - not a boastful pride, but rather an appreciative pride. It allows us to stop and think - to be thankful for this land we live in. Not for the material things we have, but for the principle on which this nation was founded. For our freedom to worship, and speak, to be together in our ideals and opinions - or to differ in them.
I give you thanks, dear Lord, for our freedom. For these men and women who have given so much for so many years.
Since the beginning of time, there has been strife in this world. And therefore, warriors. Great differences in warriors, though, have made the struggles different as well. In America, we fight for Freedom - here on our soil, and wherever it needs to be defended.
In the hearts of our American warriors dwell committment, loyalty, courage, and if truth be told, fear. May Faith also dwell there as well. ALWAYS, may they know that God is with them.
God bless you and this land of the free we call home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely post!