Saturday, March 01, 2008

We all have a story.

Our lives.
They can be busy, or quiet; problematic, or trouble free; plenty in the pocket book, or just getting by. No matter what our lives bring us from day to day, well, we all have a story to tell. Are we supermoms who try to get it all done? Get our kids to school in the morning, then soccer practice and gymnastics after school, all while having a scrumptious dinner in the crock pot at home...and oh yes, this is after working all day at the office and driving in rush hour traffic for heaven only knows how long. Are we on a merry go round - or is this living life at it's fullest? Although the mom taxi thing is pretty much behind me, I remember it as a time of having the chance to have one on one time with Scott and Laurie.
I've had occasion to take stock of my life lately - guess it's because I am in my sixties now - not far into the sixties, and about to go a little further with my birthday being in a couple of weeks - but I'm there just the same. :)
And this sixty thing is just fine with me. Counting the months (and days) til retirement, yet really struggling when I think about the day I turn in my keys to the office, dust off my desk one last time, and walk out the door. My job has been a really comfy niche for a long time...but it's not all of my story. It's just a really comfortable place for me to be, and I love my co-workers-every single one of them. Like I said, leaving there won't be easy. Will cross that bridge when I get to it. I suspect there will be enough tears from me to flow like a good sized river underneath that bridge. You know how I am.
Veronica is here this weekend as usual. She seems to be a little different these days - discovering her own little personality, I guess. All of this can't be easy for her so we give her a lot of latitude. It takes a day for her to get rid of the defensive nature that she seems to have taken on...don't know if it's school, or Luke - he's a big boy and can be not nice to her sometimes.
Brothers and sisters...we are all alike with our sibs when we are little. It takes a long time for us to realize that we love each other. Once we are beyond the wrestling and the name calling...well, you have probably all been there at some point if you have brothers or sisters, or kids. :)
Life is going to be a little quieter for the next week or ten days as we visit Laurie, Stephen and Kasey. It's a trip we badly need, I think. Almost done with the book for Kasey....all the plans are laid down, just the printing of the pages and putting them in the book. I hope he likes it. (I sure enjoyed doing it not to mention the visits to the craft stores :).
Shopping today for last minute things for our trip - and one more gift for Kasey, but the weather is NOT shopper friendly. Cold, windy, snowy. Still, it's always fun when Scott & Veronica, and Ron & I hit the streets and the stores together :)
Sometimes I wonder what will unfold over the next few years - I think of the things that are in our immediate future - that affect us all. Presidential primaries, elections in November, the rising cost of gasoline, and most importantly for those who serve (and their families), the war in Iraq. For my family, I think of deployment looming, divorce for Scott and Tina, retirement and traveling for Ron and I. Perhaps putting that part on hold for a year while Laurie attends school and Stephen is deployed and Kasey comes to live here with "handma" and "handpa." God has it all in His very loving hands. Sure glad that I don't have to worry (she says convincingly).
That's the best part of our story, no matter who we are. He is the Author - we the characters. It may be somewhat unclear, but it's His perfect will. No matter how our stories play out - yours and mine - may God continue to bless you and your family.
God's Peace my friends and may He bless our troops - and those who wait.


Karen said...

First you are no wheres near OLD,my friend. Sending my birthday wishes to Kasey, have a great visit with him and his mommy and daddy. Your life is so full these days with Scott in your home and Ronnie Sue there on weekends, but as the loving mom you are, you will do whatever is needed for your children.
Hugs to Ron and you, have a great trip.

Melody said...

Hi Sue!
Melody in IL checking in to say hello! I'm bookmarking your blog, so I'll be around from time to time!

Call Me Grandma said...

Wonderful post! I have been there.
Have a fun and safe trip.