Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmauel.

It's two days before Christmas. All across the country, last minute shoppers are crowding the malls, the Wal-Marts and countless other big name stores. Some haven't shopped at all - others are looking for gifts that they inadvertantly left off their list. Busy. Busy. Busy.

Also, all across America, (because we can worship God without fear of persecution), Sunday Schools are presenting their Christmas pageants to proclaim the story of Mary and Joseph and a stable in Bethlehem where the Prince of Peace is born. Our church is no exception - even as I type, our parish children are presenting their play, singing their songs, being prompted on their forgotten lines.
Not being there is difficult for me - but being home is necessary. The doctor has me on medication for severe bronchitis or xray results will be available on Wednesday. Meanwhile, I can do some things here at home as strength permits. The kids will be here soon and although I wanted the house to be spotless and picture perfect, God has also given me the wisdom to know that what matters is the state of my heart. Nothing wrong with my heart physically - it beats as steadily as ever. But I want it to be ready - oh, so welcoming - for Jesus. That the peace He brings to the world will be within me as well - with out question.
Funny, isn't it? How we prepare, the work we do, the gifts we buy, and wrap, and give, when the most important and precious gift we have to give is a child named Jesus. If we give Him - above all else - as God gave Him to us - we have realized that Christmas is truly a season of peace. The region where He was born is now full of fighting and soldiers and killing each day...but the Prince of Peace reigns over all. He is there in the courage of the soldiers, the strength of the people, the hope of the oppressed.

Come, Emmanuel, the hearts of the world are ready for your peace. Again.

God bless our troops and those who wait for them.




kbug said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick...I hope you recover quickly. Blessings to you, my friend...and a very Merry Christmas!!!

Call Me Grandma said...

I hope your Christmas was a merry one.
I hope you are feeling better.
Wishes being sent your way for a Happy and blessed New Year.