Saturday, September 08, 2007

Happiness - Inside and Outside.

As Luke sleeps on the couch in the family room, Veronica is sleeping in Laurie's old room and Scott is asleep in his room, Ron and Lilly are also asleep in our room. Saturday morning and this is Scott's first weekend home after being a way for a year of Saturdays....well, only 3 but it seems like 52. Tina has to work today so the kids spent the night and will be here for the day too and I am smiling inside and out. The picture above is of Veronica hugging her daddy when they were reunited. It's been so good to be able to hug him again....I am a hugger, and so when I say to Scott or Ron that I need to hug them, one says to the other, "do you want to catch this one?" Geesh.

Busy weekend I and cutting potatoes for the chicken bbq at church, making 3 pies (2 for church, one for the boys), and getting my posters made and hung for my Sunday School classroom. Tomorrow is Rally Day - 1st day of Sunday School. This year I have thirteen 7th and 8th graders....hmmmm, this should be interesting. Our fall topic will be Identity...Spring will be Jesus. I'll also be spending a bit of time at the BBQ tomorrow, but not all day.

Grandparents day tomorrow too. Another day that Hallmark expects young families to buy things while being on shoestring budgets. (But for all you grandparents, Happy Grandparents Day - job well done.) Tee hee.
May your weekend be blessed. Mine already is - with inside and outside happiness.

God bless our troops and those who love them.


Linda said...

Wonderful to hear that Scott is back home!!!! I guess prayers were answered when his plans fell apart. I am happy for you that he is home and I hope Tina and him can work things out. How did the move go for Laurie and family?

Call Me Grandma said...

Wow that is wonderful...Scott came home.