Wednesday, September 05, 2007

If you could know...

Three weeks ago Scott left to go as far as possible from here and the problems that were plagueing his marriage. Ron and I had tried for nearly a month to talk him out of it but he was determined. And so, I decided to accept it and not be angry with him when he left. It just wasn't in me - when would I see him again? If you could know the pieces of my heart that felt like they would never heal.

As he sat on the bus that night, I watched him through the window of the bus station and oh my arms ached wishing I could get on the bus and hug him again. But I did not cry until after the bus pulled out and I had waved one last time before it disappeared taking my only son with it.

For three weeks, I've been missing him, but getting on with life...I think I described it a couple of posts ago - trying to make life count.

Then, Monday, Scott's plans fell apart and he called Tina and said 'I want to come home - NOW.'

And so, this morning, the arms that have been aching for 3 weeks were wrapped around my son. He is back home - he'll live here with us for awhile until he gets his life back. But to see Luke and Veronica hugging him when they got off their school buses today, well, if you could know the joy in seeing this.

Things are not perfect - there are many issues to be worked out between Scott and Tina - we don't know if they will get back together - but we can hope and we can help them with emotional support and love.

There's always love, isn't there? That love teaches us many lessons - some very painful. But then we start to listen to the Teacher...and we follow His path back home.

Welcome home, Scottie. If only you could know my dear son, how much you are loved.

By your family and by our Lord.

Thank you all for your heartfelt prayers for our family - they have been heard - and are being answered.
I feel like I could sleep for a week - that totally restful sleep that you know comes from peace.
God is so good.

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