Thursday, September 27, 2007

Some things never change.

Fall weather is starting to move into Western NY. Rainy, getting a little know, the tell tale signs that summer is over. We've had Lily for just a little over a year. When we first brought her home, she didn't want to go outside when it was we used to take her out in the rain and stand there with an umbrella while she watered the grass. Funny doggie. During the winter, she absolutely LOVED romping in the snow but didn't want to go out if it was actually in the process of snowing (huh?). All spring and summer long, she has found her perfect spot, and would lie down in her sun beam and be content for as long as we'd let her...or she would come into the garage and lie down on the cool cement floor.
So why should we be surprised when this afternoon when it was lightly misting, Scott put her leash on her and she stood there in the doorway watching the rain...and not budging until Ron came out and stood in the rain with her. Looks like nothing has changed since that once frail little doggie grew to be healthy as can be with a lot more meat on her bones. She is a wonderful companion...since Tina got rid of the two dogs living at their house, when Veronica comes over here she gets right down on the floor next to Lily and tackles her. Lily loves it...and it's so cool to watch. Last night, during a thunderstorm, Lily got up on the bed and slept between Ron and I - she took turns sharing our pillows. She hasn't slept with us all night in a long time...usually a thunder storm finds her under the bed. But she always has to know we are close by.

Tonight on my way home from work, I noticed that the leaves are starting to change...the air is getting crisper and that wonderfully colorful time of the year is upon us. One of my favorite times of the year...except for the leaves on the ground. Ron works so hard raking and the very next day the yard is full again. I think you can identify. Some things never change.

And then again, some things do change. Some things that we have no control over. I have a friend who is facing a divorce after 28 years of marriage...after that length of time it would seem that all the major kinks should be worked out. Kids are pretty much grown, the "lean" years are pretty much over because you've been working for a long time and saving toward the same goals. And then all of a sudden, the words are spoken, the split happens, and where are you?

So prayers are going up for my friend tonight...and will be in the days and weeks and months ahead as life changes for her and her family. She knows she has a strong support group, but still, the hurt is there. Remember who loves you my friend... there are lots of us. God bless your family with His love and guidance and care.

Tomorrow is Friday - another week over. They go so quickly. Jay, a soldier I have come to love, will be home from the sand box soon. As his mom makes preparations to meet his plane when he returns, there are many of us waiting, waiting, waiting. I know the 15 months he's been gone have not gone quickly for them at all, but God has been gracious.

Ron and I have been watching a PBS series by Ken Burns called The War...about WWII and it's impact on 4 American cities and the people who lived there; nearly everyone in those cities had someone serving. I know that war changes things...makes you keenly aware of the important things in life. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for families of soldiers in WWII - communication was terrible, letters took forever to get. I, like many of you, have experienced this sandbox war and may experience that yet again. It's far from being at a picnic.

This post covers doggies, and friends, autumn leaves, and soldiers. The common thread is change - good and bad. We live with change every single day - some changes of our own making; others God has preordained. Friendships, marriages, autumn leaves. As for war, God has been telling us since the very first days of creation to love each be our brother's be gentle and not hate. But then there is human nature and that really really seems to win out a lot more than it should. And so there are wars.

And our troops...there are our troops. They serve because they love their country...they believe in that word, "change." They can make a difference - make things better - with their courage and their loyalty and their sacrifice.

God, please bless them.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Busy days...special times.

This was a busy weekend. Veronica spent Friday night and Saturday night here so she could be with her da-dee. What a little charmer she can be..she bats those beautiful long eyelashes of hers and I melt...well, not always, but usually. And her Papa? Man oh man he is like silly putty when his little Veronica wants something and procedes to ask for it in that sweet as sugar 3 year old voice. She loves spending time with Scott - and it's a mutual thing. Since Scott has been here, we have encouraged him in his abilities to be a dad...he feels badly that he left for awhile and then came back. I keep telling him that the most important thing to remember is what brought him back home...his family. So, each weekend, Veronica will spend at least one night at Nana and Papa's (and now Da-dee's house too). Usually, she prefers to fall asleep on the couch and then Scott carries her upstairs to Laurie's old bedroom. As I watched Scott leave the family room last night with her asleep on his shoulder, for a moment it seemed like only yesterday Scott was the sleepy toddler and Ron the daddy with an arm full of snips and snails. Funny how a mom's mind and heart never forget images like that.
Our two soldiers are settling in nicely at their new home. Kasey enjoys the warmer weather and his new day care seems to agree with him. K-bug posted a really, really nice story the other day on her website - about spending time on Army bases and listening for Reveille and Taps in the morning and at night. The military life is not an easy one - but it is a simple one. Even their entertainment and times of family fun are simple...kind of a forgotten art in the busy busy times we've all become so accustomed to. And so, Kasey (and any little sisters or brothers he might have in the future :) will learn to live life not taking things for granted. He will understand that happiness is as simple and wonderful as having both his mommy and daddy at home with him and that nothing is more exciting than seeing mommy or daddy after they've been gone for awhile because they are a soldier.
So, whether it's helping our son cope with a broken marriage, adjusting to weekends with a busy little 3 year old around, or the constant reminder that my two star banner brings - of my children so far away, (but living a good life together)...well, no matter how you look at it, just the sheer joy of being a family...this is a wonderful thing.
May God bless you in the week ahead and may He bless our troops with His loving care.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Time flies when you're having fun....?

Ok, eight days since I've posted - I think that's a record for me. I've been sick...some sort of upper respiratory/sinus infection know, the kind of thing that makes a woman sound like a man and makes the ribs ache from coughing. I even missed a couple of days of work - if you knew me, you'd know that is just about unheard of.
Scott is still staying with us and it's really a great thing - I think it's been good for him too. He seems content. We sleep much better at night, that's for sure. In the morning when I come out to the kitchen, there are telltale signs that an elf has visited - you know, the cookie sheet and an empty frozen pizza box, or a knife with peanut butter on it, a plate with crumbs on it. And I just smile, take a shower and start my day.
Some of us are counting the days until Wendy's son Jay returns from the sand. It's been a long 15 months...he lost a good good friend while they were there so he is coming home feeling incomplete, I'm sure. Sad.
This year will be the first time in 27 years that we will not see Laurie...and Stephen and Kasey too, at Christmas time. The fares are outrageous...when I think of this it makes me sad, but they are at least stateside. I will be grateful for that all during the holidays.
Cathy is experiencing the joy of having her grand daughter living with her...she is one lucky little girl. Cathy, hoping that Dan and Kat get good jobs soon...haven't visited your site the last couple of days...will do that tomorrow...hoping to see that they are working. How are Gabby and Hans the wonder dog? Blessings my friend. Enjoy every single moment.
That's about it for tonight...0530 comes early so I will say good night. God bless you all and dear Lord...please bless our troops with your love and protection.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day of remembrance.

We all know that today was an unhappy and tragic anniversary for our nation, but more importantly for those who lost loved ones on 9/11.

It has changed our lives forever...may we never forget those who were lost and the innocence that was lost for our entire nation.

God bless America, our leaders and those who protect her....

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Happiness - Inside and Outside.

As Luke sleeps on the couch in the family room, Veronica is sleeping in Laurie's old room and Scott is asleep in his room, Ron and Lilly are also asleep in our room. Saturday morning and this is Scott's first weekend home after being a way for a year of Saturdays....well, only 3 but it seems like 52. Tina has to work today so the kids spent the night and will be here for the day too and I am smiling inside and out. The picture above is of Veronica hugging her daddy when they were reunited. It's been so good to be able to hug him again....I am a hugger, and so when I say to Scott or Ron that I need to hug them, one says to the other, "do you want to catch this one?" Geesh.

Busy weekend I and cutting potatoes for the chicken bbq at church, making 3 pies (2 for church, one for the boys), and getting my posters made and hung for my Sunday School classroom. Tomorrow is Rally Day - 1st day of Sunday School. This year I have thirteen 7th and 8th graders....hmmmm, this should be interesting. Our fall topic will be Identity...Spring will be Jesus. I'll also be spending a bit of time at the BBQ tomorrow, but not all day.

Grandparents day tomorrow too. Another day that Hallmark expects young families to buy things while being on shoestring budgets. (But for all you grandparents, Happy Grandparents Day - job well done.) Tee hee.
May your weekend be blessed. Mine already is - with inside and outside happiness.

God bless our troops and those who love them.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

If you could know...

Three weeks ago Scott left to go as far as possible from here and the problems that were plagueing his marriage. Ron and I had tried for nearly a month to talk him out of it but he was determined. And so, I decided to accept it and not be angry with him when he left. It just wasn't in me - when would I see him again? If you could know the pieces of my heart that felt like they would never heal.

As he sat on the bus that night, I watched him through the window of the bus station and oh my arms ached wishing I could get on the bus and hug him again. But I did not cry until after the bus pulled out and I had waved one last time before it disappeared taking my only son with it.

For three weeks, I've been missing him, but getting on with life...I think I described it a couple of posts ago - trying to make life count.

Then, Monday, Scott's plans fell apart and he called Tina and said 'I want to come home - NOW.'

And so, this morning, the arms that have been aching for 3 weeks were wrapped around my son. He is back home - he'll live here with us for awhile until he gets his life back. But to see Luke and Veronica hugging him when they got off their school buses today, well, if you could know the joy in seeing this.

Things are not perfect - there are many issues to be worked out between Scott and Tina - we don't know if they will get back together - but we can hope and we can help them with emotional support and love.

There's always love, isn't there? That love teaches us many lessons - some very painful. But then we start to listen to the Teacher...and we follow His path back home.

Welcome home, Scottie. If only you could know my dear son, how much you are loved.

By your family and by our Lord.

Thank you all for your heartfelt prayers for our family - they have been heard - and are being answered.
I feel like I could sleep for a week - that totally restful sleep that you know comes from peace.
God is so good.