Some things never change.
Fall weather is starting to move into Western NY. Rainy, getting a little know, the tell tale signs that summer is over. We've had Lily for just a little over a year. When we first brought her home, she didn't want to go outside when it was we used to take her out in the rain and stand there with an umbrella while she watered the grass. Funny doggie. During the winter, she absolutely LOVED romping in the snow but didn't want to go out if it was actually in the process of snowing (huh?). All spring and summer long, she has found her perfect spot, and would lie down in her sun beam and be content for as long as we'd let her...or she would come into the garage and lie down on the cool cement floor.
So why should we be surprised when this afternoon when it was lightly misting, Scott put her leash on her and she stood there in the doorway watching the rain...and not budging until Ron came out and stood in the rain with her. Looks like nothing has changed since that once frail little doggie grew to be healthy as can be with a lot more meat on her bones. She is a wonderful companion...since Tina got rid of the two dogs living at their house, when Veronica comes over here she gets right down on the floor next to Lily and tackles her. Lily loves it...and it's so cool to watch. Last night, during a thunderstorm, Lily got up on the bed and slept between Ron and I - she took turns sharing our pillows. She hasn't slept with us all night in a long time...usually a thunder storm finds her under the bed. But she always has to know we are close by.
So why should we be surprised when this afternoon when it was lightly misting, Scott put her leash on her and she stood there in the doorway watching the rain...and not budging until Ron came out and stood in the rain with her. Looks like nothing has changed since that once frail little doggie grew to be healthy as can be with a lot more meat on her bones. She is a wonderful companion...since Tina got rid of the two dogs living at their house, when Veronica comes over here she gets right down on the floor next to Lily and tackles her. Lily loves it...and it's so cool to watch. Last night, during a thunderstorm, Lily got up on the bed and slept between Ron and I - she took turns sharing our pillows. She hasn't slept with us all night in a long time...usually a thunder storm finds her under the bed. But she always has to know we are close by.
Tonight on my way home from work, I noticed that the leaves are starting to change...the air is getting crisper and that wonderfully colorful time of the year is upon us. One of my favorite times of the year...except for the leaves on the ground. Ron works so hard raking and the very next day the yard is full again. I think you can identify. Some things never change.
And then again, some things do change. Some things that we have no control over. I have a friend who is facing a divorce after 28 years of marriage...after that length of time it would seem that all the major kinks should be worked out. Kids are pretty much grown, the "lean" years are pretty much over because you've been working for a long time and saving toward the same goals. And then all of a sudden, the words are spoken, the split happens, and where are you?
So prayers are going up for my friend tonight...and will be in the days and weeks and months ahead as life changes for her and her family. She knows she has a strong support group, but still, the hurt is there. Remember who loves you my friend... there are lots of us. God bless your family with His love and guidance and care.
Tomorrow is Friday - another week over. They go so quickly. Jay, a soldier I have come to love, will be home from the sand box soon. As his mom makes preparations to meet his plane when he returns, there are many of us waiting, waiting, waiting. I know the 15 months he's been gone have not gone quickly for them at all, but God has been gracious.
Ron and I have been watching a PBS series by Ken Burns called The War...about WWII and it's impact on 4 American cities and the people who lived there; nearly everyone in those cities had someone serving. I know that war changes things...makes you keenly aware of the important things in life. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for families of soldiers in WWII - communication was terrible, letters took forever to get. I, like many of you, have experienced this sandbox war and may experience that yet again. It's far from being at a picnic.
This post covers doggies, and friends, autumn leaves, and soldiers. The common thread is change - good and bad. We live with change every single day - some changes of our own making; others God has preordained. Friendships, marriages, autumn leaves. As for war, God has been telling us since the very first days of creation to love each be our brother's be gentle and not hate. But then there is human nature and that really really seems to win out a lot more than it should. And so there are wars.
And our troops...there are our troops. They serve because they love their country...they believe in that word, "change." They can make a difference - make things better - with their courage and their loyalty and their sacrifice.
God, please bless them.