Friday, June 22, 2007

Life's little disappointments.

It's been a busy week since I last posted. Tons of stuff going on at work, you know...programs that you count on to work at the busiest time of the year suddenly have glitches in them...things like that. The announcement was finally made today that the office manager job has been filled. Obviously, the title of this post tells the story - it wasn't me. I was very close to being what the civil service system calls "reachable" but could not be interviewed.

It's ok - the man who got the job will need all the support he can get. It's not an easy job.

So, as I sit here tonight, I realize that it really IS ok. I am a short timer - in less than two years I will be retired and each day I get more excited about that prospect. Not that I don't enjoy my job - I LOVE my job. But now that Ron and I are making our plans for after my retirement, I am thinking about it a lot. At work, I am thinking about how I can leave the job better than I found it. The programs I use each day will no doubt change - maybe even before I leave. And life's little disappointments can become opportunities to make things better. To give suggestions - not complain about what doesn't work, but help to fix it. Know what I mean? When I leave, I'd like to be remembered in a positive way - and I'd like to be missed not just for the job I did, but for who I was while I did it.

Laurie, Stephen and Kasey will be here in just a couple of weeks. We are getting the house all spruced up for their visit and we are planning special outings and special evenings here at home.It will be 2 weeks of bliss for us all - well, maybe not for Stephen since he has to spend 11 days with his in laws. We get along great, though, so I think it will all go well. We had planned on renting a house in the mountains upstate - but the financial end of it didn't quite work out - another disappointment but oh well.

Life isn't about winning the lottery or sleeping til noon; or dining out every night. It's not always a picture perfect house with a white picket fence.
Life is what it is, and there are plenty of blessings and opportunities to enjoy it's goodness. And most importantly to share that goodness. To pray for others, and let them know that you care.

The last few days have been devastating for our troops in the sand. Dear Lord, please guide our President and our military leaders to do the right thing. Many military families are receiving terrible news today.
As we think about all of that, may we be more inclined to realize just what is important in life.


Call Me Grandma said...

Amen to your prayer for our troops.
I liked how you phrased your vision of your retirement, leave your job in better shape then when you started it...great attitude.
What a good example to set for those who come after you.
I liked this post.
Life really isn't about winning and losing. It truly is about how we accept our loss and wins...graciously.
I know Kasey coming to Grandma's house is a BIG win!

Linda said...

You have a Great attitude about leaving your job in better shape then when you started..but then again that is the type of person that you are and thats why you are loved by so many.
I know even tho you can't afford what you wanted to do when the kids come in I know that you will enjoy every precious moment that you will have with them. More wonderful familytime memories.