Monday, December 18, 2006

Preparing for Jesus.

One week from now the gift wrapping will be history, and the kids gifts and toys will be scattered around the family room waiting for the inevitible moans about being too full from dinner but needing to get the kids home to bed. We'll make a thousand trips to Scott and Tina's car, stuff everything in around Veronica and Luke and send them on their way. This year, I will not have to go to work the day after Christmas so I will probably hit the pillow shortly after they leave and worry about the rest of the picking up in the morning. :)
Last night, we had our Christmas play at church - Too Too Busy - and it was about finding the real meaning of Christmas amidst all the preparation. It was a quick little play but the kids loved being part of it. The songs, the forgotten lines remembered just at the right moment with maybe a little bit of prompting, and the brief closing message from Pastor afterwards. It was a peaceful half hour that I was thankful to be part of as a Sunday School teacher - and I remembered all the Christmas plays my own children used to take part in.
The Gospel lesson yesterday was about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. How do we prepare for a King? How did Mary prepare for Him? Mary was ready - she had put it all into God's hands.
I guess it's all a matter of the heart - we are either ready, or we aren't.
Some of us invite him by saying "Come Lord Jesus" or ask for more time by saying "oh not yet, there's too much to do!"
Wait a second - are we still talking about Christmas? I know several people who are very ill. Two of them are sisters in Christ - a few others are loved ones of friends or co-workers. My two sisters in Christ are faith filled and know that God has never left their side...and "Come Lord Jesus" are not frightening words for them to say. They are difficult words for those of us who love them, but words which hold hope as well.
Preparing for Jesus...wrapping gifts, planning a holiday meal, being "too too busy?"
Or just simply saying, "Come Lord Jesus" with a faith filled heart.
Yes, I like that greeting the best.
Blessings to you, my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really love being so busy. I like not having time to think. Jan and Feb are cabin fever months. Too much time on a person's hands during those months.