Monday, January 07, 2008

Part of the flock.

I guess it's starting to sink in that Stephen will deploy again this year - and that the twists and curves of that roller coaster ride will be heating up again. We will also be caring for Kasey if Laurie is accepted in the program she is going for - she and Stephen had us named as designated guardians for their family care contract. Thus is the nature of the military. Many of us know it - it's part of the "drill." And it's part of why I lean on my faith and stay with "the flock."

And although it is always there in our subconscious - right below the surface waiting to remind us in those quiet moments when we think about our future - it's something that we try not to dwell on. Those of you who have walked in the shoes understand - right? Anyway, Stephen won't get his new unit assignment until next month so there's no sense worrying about it now. (she says confidently). The deployment may not happen for a few months yet - and I will definitely let you know when it happens.

How funny (not ha ha funny, but odd funny) that we often think that we can love an "in-law" as much as we love our own children. Laurie just happened to choose a soldier whom we loved from the moment we saw him - because Laurie glows. It gives a mom and dad such a grateful heart - and when I bought the bumper sticker that says "My son is serving in the US Army" I meant it sincerely - didn't even look for a son-in-law bumper sticker cause I love him as my son. When he is deployed, a son is deployed - not my daughter's husband. Thank you, God that he is such a blessing to our family.

This will be another life experience for Kasey to learn about being the child of two soldiers. I pray that God will give me the words and the strength to know what to say when his little heart is missing his mommy and daddy. But he is my little soldier - gritty, determined, typical little boy who at not quite 3 can stand at Parade Rest and has learned that mommy and daddy sometimes have to go away but they will always (please God) return. The Father watches His flock at all times and we are all part of the flock. Unruly and unwilling at times to stay in the pasture but He always reaches out that staff and brings us back in the fold.

For those experiencing deployments now, your loved ones are in my prayers - and we are all waiting for His answers. God bless those you love who serve - I hope you know how much they are appreciated.

This week is going to be a busy one at work, but sometime during the week Ron and I are going to look at RVs....sigh....the search begins again. I could probably tell you the specs on any make or model Fifth Wheeler that is on the market...but the dreaming is fun. Eventually, the dream will be a reality (God willing) and my two star banner will hang proudly in the window of an RV as we travel across the country. This is a good thing.

God bless you - and may His Son shine on your week.



chrisbeth said...

Sue, you got me thinking about Beth and how she is 30, going to retire reserves and wants to get married and have children. She mentioned she may get deployed again and made me think of how she will need an understanding husband that will raise their children while she is deployed. This is so hard Sue, praying for your family and love you

kbug said...

I'm sorry to hear that he will be deploying so soon...but we're expecting the same thing. At first, Seth was to deploy in July...then came the rumor of not until December...then the rumor that they may not go at all (which had me dancing a jig) they have given them a possible June date. I swear, I'm gonna stop asking him. With the military, the roller coaster ride begins even before the deployments. Hang in there, Sue.

Call Me Grandma said...

Prayers going out your way.
Praying that the word deploy vanishes from all of our vocabulary.