If you were to ask me why it's so long between posts, I couldn't give you an answer. But in looking at the overview of this blog this morning, I know that you are still out there clicking on Two Star Mom and looking for new posts. So, with apologies for being so absent, this morning seems like a really good morning to catch up.
For those of you who follow my Facebook page, you know that we will be moving soon. It's a bittersweet time for Ron and I. It's a blessing because we will be able to have our own home - well, it belongs to Laurie and Stephen, but we will be renting it. The kids are excited for us - Laurie has been as enthusiastic about my decorating ideas as I have been. Not because she is anxious to see us leave, but because she is happy for us to have this chance to "begin again" in a new home. We've purchased new furniture, and the keys to our new home will be in our hand on October 1st. LOTS to do here at Kasey's house between now and then - packing, cleaning, cooking, and helping with Kasey! Then after we get the keys, it will be cleaning there and picking out wallpaper (just one wall in the kitchen) and choosing paint colors too. I've decided the colors I want each room to be....poor Ron has a bit of work to do, but me too.
But as the title of this post indicates, we are still waiting. And so are Laurie and Kasey....for Stephen to come home safely from his deployment. As my friend Betsy commented on FB, it seems like he's been gone a very long time. So true, Betsy. So true. I think I have prayed harder during this deployment than all of their deployments put together. I do NOT watch Fox news anymore....that little crawler that goes across the bottom of the screen is only a source of anxiety.
Our church is awesome in their support of military families. They list deployed soldiers in the bulletin every single week in our "prayers of the church" prayers. And not only are they mentioned in the list, but Pastor mentions them out loud in his prayers. Every week....every single week.
So, by the time Stephen is home again, the house he and Laurie lived in with Kasey when they were a very young family will be changed a bit. New furniture, new colors, but still a "family" feel, I pray.
Thank you for your prayers, my friends. I know they are being heard, and will be answered according to the perfect will of our Father.
There's nothing profound in this post, but I hope you know how much you mean to me. I'll try to give you something new to read more often.
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