Saturday, May 26, 2012

Not Just An Ordinary Weekend.

It's only a little after 8 on Saturday morning - I was wide awake at 6am (sigh) and we are waiting for a wind storm to move in for the weekend - or at least for most of today.  As we watch the lush green leaves on the trees in our back yard moving a little more with each passing hour, I know that Laurie is upstairs on her computer waiting for a Skype call from Stephen.  Kasey is still sound asleep, but we'll hear his feet hit the floor pretty soon and the weekend will officially begin.
Graduation party today, church and a pot luck afterwards tomorrow, and just a laid back kind of weekend.
But not just an ordinary weekend.
Prayers for the families of all who have loved and lost sons and daughters, husbands and wives, moms and dads, brothers and sisters during their service to our nation ~ during war, in peace, and without regret.  And prayers for those who still serve and those who love them.
It's not an easy thing they do, but when I thanked a soldier the other day in Safeway - he was just back from Afghanistan - they are proud to do it. "Thank you, ma'am, but it's what we do."
To which I replied, 'Oh, yes, and you do it SO well.'
God bless America - and those who keep her free.    

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