Monday, February 13, 2012

Love Will Keep Us Together.

When Laurie deployed - actually before she left - I began saving up little things that would go nicely in a scrap book.  Wrote down some dates, tried to keep track of EVERYTHING from Day 1.  Of course with a little boy, a big house, and two grown men to look after, (and of course a dog or two or even three) some things kind of left this brain of mine. Oh, there will be a scrap book, and there will be plenty in it all right, but instead of it being one year's events from a single deployment of one soldier, it will be a two year journal of two soldiers deployed.  But at least I know what the title is going to be, and that will help it take shape.

We are doing well here - all in all. Kasey is doing well with his Dad at predeployment training, we are on our second week now and he seems content to know that Grandma and Grandpa are here.  I often wonder if he wakes up in the morning and thinks, "Oh man, they're still here."  LOL.  I know he is happy that we are here, but I wish his mom and dad could be here too.  Hard to know what goes through the mind of an almost 7 year old. Tomorrow being Valentines Day, he did all of his valentines tonight, and put a scratch and sniff sticker on all of them.  Of course there was one that had more than one sticker - it was for the little girl who has won his heart.  He actually told her the other day that she is pretty.  Wish I could have been there to hear THAT one, and to see her reaction.
He is enrolled in Sunday School at our church now - was so excited about it and that makes me happy.  When we skyped with Laurie the other day she told Kasey that she went to Sunday School until she was 18 years old and almost until she left for the Army.  I smile thinking of that.  Kasey was just so cute yesterday getting ready for church - he let me comb his hair and everything.  I wrote the day and time down so I would remember that he actually did let me comb his hair one time.  :-)
We have new primary doctors now - thank you Lord.  Finally, there are doctors in Colorado Springs that accept my health insurance.  Of course soon I will be on Medicare and my health insurance will be secondary. Medicare....that has a ring to it that I'm not sure I like.
But we go through our days doing the things that are needed.  Things that we like to do, and spending time with our little boy.  Stephen calls him when he can and that's good too.
 We're also hoping to make a trip back to Buffalo after Laurie gets home and has some time off. Ron hasn't seen Scott and Vi and Veronica in nearly two years....that's a long time for a Papa not to see his Veronica.
So I have the title all picked out for the scrap book.  It might sound familiar - an oldie but goodie.
Considering our family -ALL of us, and what we've been through and what is still ahead - it's a given really....

Love will keep us together.

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