Thursday, August 18, 2011

Come Hell or High Water....or War.

Today was Kasey's first day back to school.  The morning went smoothly - Kasey got up great, had a two waffle breakfast, and put on his new duds.  Lunch was all packed, backpack had all of his school supplies, and he was ready to go a half hour early.  Trying to keep him busy for a half hour without cartoons, or computer games, or anything like it was fun.(not!), but we made do.  I was getting ready  myself when the phone rang.  I caught it on the third ring on the phone in Laurie and Stephen's room, and when I heard the familiar delay after I said "hello," I knew it was Laurie before her wonderful voice came over the wire.  We talked for about 15 seconds and then I told her I love her and handed the phone over to Kasey.  Listening (but not being obvious about it) to Kasey's conversation with his mom, I smiled.  Funny thing, I knew she would call.  It's what a mom does - when you can't be there to do all the fun stuff yourself on those important days, you make sure you talk to your child.  Come hell or high water, wherever you are, you tell him good luck, wish him a great day, and most of all, you tell him "I love you very much."  And even though the conversation is only a minute or two long, it means the world to that child...and to that mom, who is so far away...but here at home too. 
To this mom, remembering those 1st days of school from longer ago than I care to remember,  it made this day so much easier on my heart, knowing that my little girl got to speak to her little boy on such an important occasion. 
I wish the picture above could be of Laurie and Kasey - but I hope it means as much to Kasey as it does to me that I can be here to help him during this school year.  I'm sure we will have our share of struggles,  but we will do as our family always does.  We will pray, and trust, and get matter what.


Karen said...

I'm so glad that Laurie was able to call Kasey. Brought tears to my eyes and happiness to my heart.

Ma said...

I love the picture. It speaks volumes. What a blessed little boy!
