Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Making Lemonade .

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.  Of course that old saying has been around for ages.
But how sweet is that lemonade going to be ~ how much sugar do you have to add to make it drinkable?

I guess deployments are what military families consider lemons...and the days and weeks leading up to them can be filled with lots of lemonade making if it's all taken in the context of "it's what we do."   We know a lot about that around here....and every day, learning more. 
Things are going well here, the kids spending as much time together as possible, and including us many times. We are enjoying Kasey's t-ball games, sometimes an impromptu lunch afterwards on Saturday mornings, but we know that THEIR time together is really important at this time so we don't always say yes. We know that now is not the time to be selfish, but yet we can sense that time with her mom and dad is as important to Laurie as it is to us.  I am trying not to show any stress about the deployment, but occasionally ask a question or two which Laurie is most happy to answer if she is able to.  She does look a little tired - but I think she is sleeping okay and actually, so am I.   As long as I don't wake up in the middle of the night, it's all good.  Waking up in the middle of the night is NOT good for the well being of the military mom because the brain goes on over drive in those dark hours.

I know I haven't been around much ~ to be honest, there's not a lot to say.  I have my own thoughts about the death of OBL, but do not wish to share them here.  Call it a security measure.
Some of you understand, and I am thinking even if you are not walking in the shoes you still hear the difficulty of wearing them.  This is the most difficult time for military loved ones ~ the time leading up to deployment.  Once your soldier leaves, you switch gears and it becomes prayer and trust, shopping and baking, writing letters and sending packages.  Not to mention doing what needs to be done to get everyone here through each day...and hopefully helping Laurie get through it over there as well with as many hugs from home that can possibly be sent.. As always, it will be one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
And oh yes, did I mention prayer and trust?  Sorry if I am repeating myself.

This week I am going to try something different.  No lemonade.  It's going to be a lemon chiffon pie.  More calories, for sure, but sweeter...and garnished with fresh whipped cream around the edges.
And the recipe tells me EXACTLY how much sugar to use.

I think everyone in our home can use the change. 
God bless you and God bless our troops.  Thank you for the prayers that I know you are sending Heavenward for the men  and women who serve.  Their loved ones could probably use a few too, please. :)

Hugs to you all and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I smiled....you never would have sour lemonade, even if you weren't sure how much sugar to add...you are such a sweet and wonderful woman. Yes a lot of us following your blog here have walked in your shoes, it's not easy and even though I don't walk in them anymore, I do understand them and that gives you and your family my prayers each and every day leading up and during this deployment. So make that Lemon Chiffon pie with whipped cream--you deserve some sweetness no matter the calories -- you will burn them off soon enough.