Friday, March 05, 2010

Steel Wool

We are visiting Laurie, Stephen, and Kasey this weekend - to help Kasey celebrate his 5th birthday. It was a long, but leisurely, drive from Arizona - mountains and scenery that absolutely stunned us with beauty. Snow topped peaks, red rocks, and vast plains being grazed by cattle, deer, and horses. How great it was to enjoy all of this, knowing that at the end of the trip, we would see the kids. It's been nearly two months and I must admit that while being in the warmth of the Arizona sun for that length of time, I was getting a bit antsy to see them. We left the RV safely in AZ at the RV park and saved ourselves lots of time. Not pulling the RV sure did cut down on the stops at the gas stations along the way also. THIS is good.
We got here about 1/2 hour before Stephen and Kasey got home which gave Lily and Mya time to readjust to each other - they have a wonderful chocolate lab mix and she is so gentle, but Lily always needs to readjust to her since Mya is bigger than Lily. And then, each morning, the game begins again as though Lily is asking Mya who she is. The one thing we always make sure Lily knows is that this is MYA's house and she rules the roost. Lily gets that eventually. :)
And so today, while Laurie and Stephen are at work, we have the run of the house with Kasey. I will make a quick run to the store for lasagna supplies, as well as the stuff I need to make an apple crisp for dessert.
The one thing we always can count on is that Stephen and Kasey will get their hair cuts before we see them. This time was no exception-just a haircut for Kasey, though, since Stephen had his cut last week.
These fresh cuts always remind me of soft steel wool. Cut within an inch of it's life, Kasey's perfectly shaped little head always is so soft and fuzzy. And he always says, "see Grandma? I got a fresh haircut again." The picture above was taken a few months ago - notice the resemblance between Stephen and Kasey? It goes waaaay beyond the haircuts.
I often wonder whether the novelty of looking just like daddy will wear off - you know, like in those teenage years.
Steel wool - it's not just found in the cupboard under the kitchen sink. It's in the character and the fiber of our troops - and their children.
God bless them all - and those who love them.


Mary said...

The photo is just darling! Have a great time. By the way Lasagna and apple crisp sounds great.

kbug said...

How nice to be back with your kids. But I always thought of the high and tight military cuts as feeling like velvet, especially Kevin's hair. It was so thick that it stood on end and felt wonderful. It was all I could do to keep my hands off it..... :) Actually, he still keeps it cut short like that, but it's not as thick as it used to be, that's for

Call Me Grandma said...

Glad you made it back to your kids, safe and sound. I love reading your post. You are one of a kind. I like seeing the world through your eyes. It makes me smile.